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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Best episode in the series in my opinion, I understand your gripes with how it was handled but it really did it for me. The pure sucker punch, kick air out of your sails, reveal that the trinity killer 'won' and there's no way to get back at him. That was the emotion they went for, that's not the emotion you were looking for, but I think it was a very strong emotion... pure helplessness. The act was done before he knew, so there's no stopping it, and there's no avenging it. Pure helplessness. This episode left a sick feeling in my stomach that only one or two episodes of any series have ever done for me (Red Wedding is one). Nevertheless, great reaction and thanks for the upload.

Daniel R

Ugh reliving the ending... I've only ever seen it once and I was so heartbroken at the time I think it destroyed my love of the show going forward. I just couldn't get into Season 5 and just gave up a few episodes in. I hear the show is a mixed bag going forward? It'll be fun to watch along with you but I doubt it'll match the quality of these first handful of seasons. Ugh this episode's ending still makes me sick thinking about it.

Vicky N

The emotion was there for me. I think that they ended up the story perfectly. I was in shock and in tears the first time I saw it. Dexter, on the other hand, as established since the first episode and forward, is a sociopath. He can’t emote, so it would be out of character to have him erupt in tears even though he is visibly in shock.

Light Yagami

Here we are. I’m assuming there was something in Dexter’s apartment that indicated where Rita’s house was. As for the non emoting from dexter, he can’t help that, he’s broken inside and out and though he feels emotions he can’t exactly express them. Don’t worry though, next episode the emotions will be heavy


The moment we were all waiting for... what a horrible death for Rita 😫


I got very emotional the first time i watched this, I cried like a baby because of the pure disbelief. Although a little irritating, i like that they kept us in the dark and therefore have the same feelings as dexter in that moment. Pure shock and helplessness like someone else mentioned. Also it would have been too much to see that happen to Rita and i think they wanted to preserve the image of her character? Idk. Dexter is also a psychopath it's very hard for him to emote how he's feeling if he feels anything at all, which he obviously does in this instance of Rita's death. But for him to cry or anything would be a big leap for his character that I feel would've be unrealistic. He is more the type to react violently as he would be frustrated and angry that he cannot get revenge or punish Trinity. Very bittersweat in the fact the Dexter got to kill him but not for the reasons Dexter would now want to.


Thanks for the reaction. Awesome as always. Also please don't listen to others saying that the show goes downhill. Season 5 is my favourite (tied with season 1) and I am very excited to see if you like it as well (I believe you will) - Very different from what was before. Season 4 is a mixed bag for me, but the last two episodes and Hungry Man were some of the best stuff seen in this show. Season 5 is more constant in the quality of the episodes. I can't wait for the next reaction. Until then...


I remember exactly how i felt after this episode ended and it is the same as you, i was so angry and pissed,I was glad the season is over and i dont have to watch it again next week. Angryyyyyyyy

Janet Daurity

I cried and cried! Season 5 is my favorite and makes complete sense after season 4. The buried boy they found at the end was killed before Lisa Bell. He was the beginning of the cycle that brought Lundy to Miami. If you have time you should watch the discussion about the season between Michael C Hall and John Lithgow. It will make much of it make more sense to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu5nd_09ZeM

Janet Daurity

Oh, and I need to remind you that Michael C Hall undergoes chemotherapy for cancer during the off season and will be wearing a wig for season 5.

Janet Daurity

Also, John Lithgow won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his performance and Michael C Hall won a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild award for best male actor in a drama series for season 4.

Sharon Owen

I find it quite ironic, Rita's killed in this episode, but you're currently reacting to Angel where Julie Benz is back as Darla! You lose Rita, but gain Darla (her better character in my opinion)

Jason Usher

They did it perfect to me, when Trinity said "it's already over", thats what he meant, he already killed rita

Reed James

How have I never realized it's teh same actress. Holy shit.