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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ari is my Cat

Amy and Rory together as companions are the absolute best.


This has priority, so I will watch this first. Hello Rory Williams from Ledsworth.


Amy does not love the Doctor, he is "The Raggedy Man" who came and believed her as a child, when no one else did, he then came back and saved the Earth while calling an alien race back for a talking too and he came to take her away on the night before her wedding, she almost died, She is probably looking for closure, but what do I know, I am hanging out with my dog, trying to bake a peach cobbler in high altitude while high, John Denver was right about Colorado.....


I was going to give it a 7, but after hearing your review I turned it up to an 8, you are right were you need to be and I find it beyond brilliant!!!!!!


I’ve never really cared for this episode, but my favorite part about it was Rory yelling at the Doctor about how people change around him and want to impress him. The Doctor needs more people around him that call him out on his shit.

Siti Dee

Hey there steven! Just recently became a patron!☺ i wanna say i love that your reactions are so truthful and you're not afraid to say how you really feel. I can tell from the other reactors that they tend to hold back bad opinions and its flaws. And yours is quite refreshing! Keep being you! I was like you at first when Rory was introduced in the series. Yeah, he reminded of Mickey at some points. But they're different in their own ways, I can't explain it but you'll know later on. He is one of the best companion in new who imho. Also, the next episode is one of the best one in this series!


Amy and Rory are similar to Mickey and Rose at first, but they aren't the same. Honestly, Rory becomes my favorite male companion, Amy is okay, but honestly, I prefer her when she is with Rory. The whole "I love the Doctor" thing is a bit annoying, but that's kind of how her character is. She is a free spirit with a flirty nature, she just needs to realize who she wants and not do the back and forth thing. Especially when it's obvious that the Doctor isn't into her that way. But yeah, Rory becomes one of my favorites and I think you're going to like him eventually.


Instead of everyone giving their opinion based off of having watched the series, how about we all let the Reactor figure this out for himself? He is either going to like it or not, he can make up his own mind about all of this.

Dani C

Yeah Rory isn't really a Mickey character - he is bumbling, yes, but he isn't an idiot - he is a very competent professional, who is off balance being suddenly dropped into this situation. Also - it was clear from the opening scenes of Rose that her relationship with Mickey was going nowhere and had lost its spark. With Rory and Amy, they have a complicated relationship, with Amy this wild creative, slightly mad chick who grew up with Rory, inventing mad characters like the Doctor - and then said Doctor shows up again, twice and threw her into confusion. It's a very different dynamic. A;so - I think the Doctor is probably remembering Rose and Mickey when he talks about traveling in the tardis ruining relationships.

Dani C

I don't think this is a particularly strong episode overall - as you say, there are some cool concepts, but it doesn't really grab you and hold on. I do think though, that you miss some of the subtler character cues when you are listening to the dialogue only while you are looking elsewhere - glancing away for an extended period, especially during the less active scenes, can mean you miss quite a lot of context.

Dani C

With regards to the way Amy is treating Rory. I can see how you would view this as the same set up as with Mickey and Rose, but there are significant differences - both in where those relationships were at the point the Doctor swooped in and the relationship between the Doctor and each companion.: - Rose met the Doctor out of the blue while in a dead end relationship that was clearly going nowhere with a guy who was quite content to footle about doing not very much and spend most of his time at the pub with his mates. - - With Amy the Doctor has been part of the fabric of her life since she was 7 years old - it shaped her completely and also messed her up (all those psychiatrists?) Then he came back, dropped back into her life, threw the world upside down again and then vanished for another 2 years. Now he's back and represents escape and wonder and excitement. --- Amy is clearly unwilling to give up on the excitement of her childhood fantasy coming to life and settle down at home - she is also clearly very confused about her emotions: and that absolutely is making her into an awful fiancee. She is treating Rory appallingly. -- Rory meanwhile, we know from our earlier meeting with him, is pretty used to letting his wild and somewhat controlling girlfriend take the lead in their personal life (from being kids, he said she made him dress up as the Doctor in their games) - despite the fact she was clearly a bit mad he still adored her and then the madness turned out to be real, when the Doctor showed up. -- Both of them are off kilter in different ways. She is emotionally off kilter and he is completely in over his head time travelling with his girlfriend's imaginary friend. He was at his stag party - he was getting married in the morning, and suddenly everything got turned upside down. But he still had the balls to call the Doctor out for putting Amy in danger. -- At this stage, their relationship has a huge question mark over it - and I don't think we are necessarily supposed to take Amy's side or approve of her attitude. -- The starting premise may have some superficial similarities to the Mickey Rose premise, but this is an entirely different story, with entirely different characters and an entirely different narrative arc.

Dani C

Totally agree about the stoopid fight and the way the vampire guy died. There was a lot of stuff that didn't really land in this episode.


This version of Doctor Who is a very visual, but I think that it will still bear out, thanks to Murray Gold's music score, but even with all that he tends to not see with initial viewing while doing other things, he still picks up on. we will all see if series 5 has what it takes....hahaha

Daniel R

I always love the little kitty-face Amy makes when Rory was gonna take the pic lol Amy: :3


Great reaction! But i don’t understand why you correlate idiocy with being “reckless”. Like, adventures with the doctor are always dangerous to some capacity, so them taking risks isn’t stupid, its what they have to do. Like when companions chase an evil dude, it’s usually in the beginning of their tenure when they don’t really understand much of anything, and if they do it later on then it’s because they do know what they’re doing but make a mistake. Sometimes risks work, sometimes they don’t. That’s how life works


Because if someone did not know or understand Amy's motives this would look like "reckless" behavior. Rory was right, she is trying to impress the Doctor he was her childhood hero. It is a fine line and it all depends on how you take Amy. Amy is reckless, but some of us tend to see it as fearless because of her childhood experience, both ways or seeing Amy are fine, because they can both be true at the same time. Just my opinion, not here to start a skirmish, just wanted to expand on a thoughtful comment


That’s very true, but I still don’t believe that should be seen as being stupid. He says it with most companions and it feels like you would catch on by now that they’re human and they’ll grow to be “smarter”


Which is why I believe for him it is "turn of phrase". He is not calling the character this, he is referring to the "action" taking by the character. I grew up in a time of using the "R" term to describe someone's behavior I thought out of left field (think Michael Scott from the Office) and it took me a lot of rewiring to stop casually throwing the word around. I did not mean it in a negative way and realized that was no excuse, so I had to work on it. I was aware of the use of dumb and stupid as well, but he has given his take on it and it makes sense and works for me, but that is my individual choice and does not have to be the same for you. Amy is not stupid and you are right it is not a term that should just be thrown around lightly.


I liked the fight (well not the fight itself, I thought it was cute, but I would have shown the villain as toying with Rory if this version of the fight was the one to go with). I liked it because it showed Rory throwing caution to the wind to save Amy, it showed that he would grab whatever was around to help and that he would try. I am biased. I loved Rory since he was forced to dress up like "The Raggedy Doctor" and he did it because Amy wanted him too, some would label him whipped. I label him "Rory Williams from Ledsworth" (I really have to look up how to spell that town, if I'm going to keep using it), but you and the reactor are correct it is a hit or miss episode.


I would like to apologize for writing so much, but when this initial came out, the internet and a small collection of "Doctor Who" fans were an angry and bitter group. This was such a departure from what people were used to and that group was a very loud and vocal group, who made it their mission to complain and let us know about it (surprising enough it you go to present day "Who", you will see some of them doing the same thing and using this particular seres as their example why). Doctor Who fans tend to complain about the present, worry about the future and extol the virtues of the past. I have always loved this show, it is my #1 Show (Buffy is close, even though Angel is my 2nd fave show) it ticks all the boxes for me and I am just happy to find a place were no writes the terms: "The Writers", "The Show-runner", "An Agenda" and to have a Reactor who when he doesn't like something he gives examples from the actual episode to do so....so there is a lot of pent up things I would love to discuss.

Sharon Owen

This episode is one of the poorer episodes this series, probably the worst one to be honest. It was also the first one that was filmed with Matt Smith, so some of his delivery was a little off (I feel), probably because he was new to the character. Amy and Rory's relationship doesn't seem like an equal 2 way street at the beginning, but that just leaves them with growth for future episodes


The first episode of the two parter "The Time of Angels" was the first episode produced with Matt Smith of season 5.


Give it time for the character development. I agree about the story being a bit blar. Again I like the highlighting how the Doctor is a danger to the people he brings along.