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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Watching reactors watch this episode is one of my favourite things ever!!!!!! So excited for u to get into season 5 arguably the best season of all :)


The thing about this episode is that it is so much better watching it the second time around after you've finished the entire 7 seasons of Buffy. This episode is so ambitious and full of foreshadows and easter eggs for what is coming for the rest of the seasons of Buffy, and you don't notice them until you've watched it a second time around.. It also has a lot of character insight and very different from how Joss Whedon normally ends the season! So, glad we finally got here and we move into what is personally my favourite season ... Season 5!!

Marshall Dante Robertson

My all time favorite Buffy episode. I'm fascinated by dreams and I'm studying psychology so this is like the Holy Grail to me. 😂 It gets straight into the minds of my favorite fictional characters and dissects them. It's also the halfway point of the series, which shows us where these characters have been, and foreshadows their future. This won't entirely make sense the first time around, and it wasn't supposed to. Just enjoy the ride. 😁

Marshall Dante Robertson

Also Steven, maybe now would be a good time to stop paying attention to the credits after the theme song. They always spoil you so maybe just watch the characters instead of the words at the bottom? 😂😂😉


I love this episode, but DON"T look things up about it yet! Do it after you finish the series, then research and do a rewatch of this episode.


Was anyone else's heart pounding when he was talking about looking up a breakdown for the episode? 😂

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

This is my favorite episode of the entire show. All I can tell you without spoilers is that pretty much everything has meaning, except the cheese guy... this hasn't been confirmed but a theory is that the cheese guy is Whedon himself.


Passion of the Nerd on YouTube has a spoiler free video that explains the episode. He also does a spoiler one that you can watch when the series is over.

Sharon Owen

The cheese man is actually no one. It's Joss Whedon trolling all of the fans. He says it in the commentary on the DVDs (if I remember correctly). He put it in there to see how fans would react and to see if they'd read into it too much!

Katherine Thoreson

As others have said, don't look up anything on this episode yet. I know it's so tempting, but this episode has so much foreshadowing for the upcoming seasons. Not all of it, but a lot and you may accidentally come across a spoiler. Some people may also tell you how Passion of the Nerd has a non-spoiler break down of this episode BUT I don't think it's spoiler free because he does show a few images from future episodes. So be aware of that. I seriously just suggest letting it go until you've finished the series as it will spoil things. Also be aware of what people may try and hint to you in the comments. Then once you're done with the series, go back and watch this episode and then look up all the foreshadowing and break downs. Whedon has said the cheese guy is just meant to be a random, odd thing as dreams often have random, odd, unexplainable parts. That's about all I feel confident telling you. EDIT: I saw that you did get the cheese man explanation. I think everyone probably watched you reading about the episode and we're all screaming no at our screens. :D Like typing this now would stop you from knowing what you already read. :D


I’m so glad you seemed to like this one! As Cas says above, almost everything in it has a meaning. I’m glad you looked up some things because, in my opinion, it’s almost too brilliant of an episode to get everything. Also, Corey mentioned a spoiler free guide to it (since there are some spoilers and I’m glad you didn’t read those). As others have pointed out, it does have a couple of shots from future episodes in the beginning, but if you skip to 3:35 in the video, you’ll avoid those scenes. I’m leaving the link in the description, but whether or not you choose to watch it is (of course) up to your own discretion ☺️ https://youtu.be/7Pvu4ZIokVk


There are people who have analyzed it on YouTube, like Passion of the Nerd, that explain it quite well. The problem is there is a risk for spoilers, even in Passion of the Nerd's non-spoiler version. This episode is chock full of metaphors and symbolism, a character study on what the characters think of others, what they think others think of them, and what they think of themselves with some ever so subtle hints at the future. I cannot wait until you start Season 5, it is my favorite season as a whole. Yes, even better than Season 3!

Stephanie Bedworth

I never really warmed up to this episode, although I will say that watching it now, after watching the whole show, I got more out of it.


The Passion of the Nerd does have a great video essay on this episode. He actually has two essays, and one is spoiler free. I will include the spoiler free link below. But everyone is right, don't look for information, there is much to be spoiled. What does everyone else think? Do you think TPN Spoiler Free breakdown still contains too much spoilers? I would watch other's response to this. If they say don't watch, then I am on board. But if the spoiler free essay (included below) is ok, I hope you record watching it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pvu4ZIokVk


Do not look the meaning of the episode up yourself!! It is full of forshadows and spoilers! ... Here is a non-spolier breakdown by Passion of the Nerd youtube.com/watch?v=7Pvu4ZIokVk

Joel Nordlander

The way I've interpreted their dreams is that Willow's dream may partly be about her sexuality, but mostly it's about a fear of people "finding out" that she's still the same insecure and socially awkward girl she was back in high school/season 1. Hence why when Buffy ripped off her "costume" she had her old season 1 outfit underneath. I agree with you on Xander's fear of being stuck and having no goals, but more precisely I think it's a fear of being stuck in that basement, in that house, with his parents. Judging from what little we saw of the father I'm guessing it's not the most nurturing household to say the least. Personally I don't think Giles' dream is about the family he could've had if he hadn't become a watcher, but it's about how he sees Buffy as a child that he has to raise. As this season has progressed Giles has felt less and less needed by Buffy but he still thinks that she needs him even if she doesn't know it. He still thinks that he has a lot to teach her and wants to feel needed.


Great reaction - confused yet fascinated as most of us were on first watch. I got so worried when you went in to episode synopsis and explanation because that way lies ALL the spoilers. Suffice it to say this is one of the richest and most deeply studied episodes of Buffy. This wasn't my favourite episode on first series watch, but may be my favourite episode in retrospect, because as you say it is "next level" It is an amazing character study, showing how far the characters have come, where they're at, with some foreshadowing for the future. Also interesting to compare this to the "nightmares" episode in season 1. Bring on season 5 !!


I always interpreted Buffy's mom being in the wall as Buffy feeling like her relationship with her mother being covered up by these new experiences of college and being a grown up.


I agree with this! The passion of the nerds episode guides are wonderful and very in depth and his guide for Restless is no exception. The non-spoiler version doesn’t contain any actual spoilers but I will mention that there are some visual spoilers (in terms of very short clips from future episodes that don’t give anything away except that those characters have different hair/wardrobe and small things similar to that nature) but as long as you don’t mind that TPN’s video is the best in-depth understanding you’ll get without having to sacrifice spoilers


You should record watching Passion of the Nerds breakdown and commenting... A live stream if possible would be cool and interesting!


I agree with this interpretation!


Anybody else holding their breath the entire time Steven was looking up the meaning of the dreams in this episode ? Steven - PLEASE STOP looking up anything about this episode - it is full of foreshadowing. Anything you read might spoil you for HUGE things in the future. :-)

Catherine Thurmond

I wouldnt go to in depth on your research for the meaning of this episode for fear of spoilers. But you should rewatch this atleast after season 5. This is one of the best episodes and your reaction to it was so enjoyable.💜


You scared the shit out of me when you starting looking this up on the internet! It looks like you avoided spoilers, though. I second all the recommendations to watch the spoiler-free video from Passion of the Nerd. Wonderful reaction, by the way. Glad you enjoyed the episode!


Yeah, I was concerned but luckily he stopped when he got to the foreshadowing part. When I first saw this episode, it was not as easy to find spoilers online. They were there just nearly as east to find. YouTube did not exist yet and a lot of us were still using dial-up, lol.

Rafael Lemus

There was always going to be a conduit to guide our Scoobies through the episode. Angel was going to be the dream guide and Cordelia was going to be in the classroom scene, but due to scheduling conflicts the role was rewritten for Amber Benson. Since people are recommending Passion of the Nerd, I'd personally advise against it. I think you got most of the unspoilery stuff in your review and the comments on PotN videos are a minefield for spoilers. Glad you enjoyed the episode and we can't wait for you to finish up season 1 of Angel and start season 5 of Buffy!

Ryan Wilson

Steven here is a link to a youtube video of a breakdown of this episode(No Spoilers): https://youtu.be/7Pvu4ZIokVk

Amanda Logsdon

So much fun. I love rewatching this episode I always find something new in it.


You weren't wrong about Willow's dream. I think it was a mixture of that wiki article and her sexuality. The DVD commentary and other interviews go in more depth.

Scarlett Monrow

1) I always thought Willow's dream was not about her sexuality, but about her insecurity, her still feeling like a nerd or geek sometimes. 2) As visualization of abstract dreams this episode is amazing! I can't think of any episode or movie scene that comes close.


The episode were everyone pretends that they are clever. This is an episode that will matter more the more you see it, no one knows anything about anything when it comes to this episode, so don't feel as though you have missed anything.


I am torn on a score, if I had no idea I would give it a 6, but foreknowledge gives it a 9


Season 4, I can only speak for myself, I was not happy with last episode, just happy you survived it. Season 4 was okay, but it suffers from it's placement in the Buffyverse. How it decided to punish Seth Green for getting another opportunity or Lindsey Crouse for having issues with her characters motivation, it is just a slightly off season it could have been so much more, but instead it was this. If this season had followed season 1 we would be more receptive to what occurred, but The Master, Spike, Drusilla, Angelus, The Mayor, Faith followed up by cosplay frankenstein is kind of a stretch. You think you know what is to come.......you have no idea.

Daniel R

Oh good you finally finished the season. This episode was meh, it has some neat points but to pretend its "high art" is pretty funny. At its core its basically the "guy with the cheese", a lot of nonsense that fans will trick themselves into thinking that there's anything more to it. There's no right or wrong answer as to how you want to perceive each dream but I will say I was on edge as you were reading some fan's interpretation of everything lol talk about walking a fine line with potentially spoiling yourself


Steven, think for a second: why do you suppose Xander would dream about two women making out, inviting him to join in? Oh, what the heck… I’m just going to tell you. Xander is a young heterosexual male. That’s why.


You’re about to start season five. THE BEST season!

Lydia Anderson

This is my favorite episode of the series!! I was so scared when you started reading about the episode online. Restless is so heavily tied to season 5 (and some season 3 as well!) and I was so nervous you'd read spoilers. This was such a great reaction and I'm looking forward to your reactions to season 5! I'm sure someone has recommended this already but Ian from Passion of the Nerd does incredible Buffy guides and his Restless episode is basically perfect. He has a spoiler-free version but my recommendation is to just get through season 5 and then watch the spoiler-y version of his Restless review. It is so worth it. He catches every little detail and then some. Anyway, love your reactions!!

Juan Sanchez

It's beautiful how we can't tell him nothing because here comes season five it explains to him everything... HERE ENDTH THE LESSON.


I had the same reaction as you when I first watched this episode. I was really confused, and looked up some episode guides to help explain. This is definitely an episode that you need to rewatch after finishing the show. You will appreciate it more that way. It’s chock full of meaning and foreshadowing, almost every scene is loaded with commentary.


There is a non-spoiler breakdown of this episode by Passion of the Nerd if you're interested... maybe react to it? :)

Vicky N

This is one of the best episode of this show and it gets better and better with each viewing. Although the first time I saw it I was as perplexed as you are but, as you said I was able to appreciate the beautiful writing and direction. The way it shows dreams like we experience them every night is brilliant. The spatial ad temporal discontinuity that follows the dream logic, the way we change familiar things, notions and surroundings are slightly changed, the expression of our subconscious self and thoughts brought forward, ecc..

Vicky N

The hyper sexualized aspects in Xander’s dream is really no mystery to me😏 As for the Cheese man, I know that Joss Whedon says in the commentary that he doesn’t mean anything, but I refuse to believe that the way he behaves and the things he says in each dreams are random. To me it represents the absurd funny “cheesy” elements in everyone’s personality. In Willow’s dream he says, I made a little room for the cheese slice. Meaning Willow retain a little of the ridiculous despite all the life altering events she is experiencing. In Xander’s dream he says these will not protect you. Meaning using the way he uses humor as a shield will not protect him from the facts of life. In Giles dream he says I wear the cheese, it does not wear me. Meaning Giles uses humor, the ridiculous, sarcasm as a tool, but he is not defined by it.


Ah, yes, this episode. It really is one you come to appreciate more with time. The first time I saw it I was as mesmerized and baffled as you. There seems to be so much going on, put thrown in, in the way dreams really do tend to happen, with things you think and feel and experience trickling in all randomly and without a lot of sense to it. Yet meanings hidden all over the place (At least in the show, not necessarily in real dreams. Though that can happen.)


I love Passion of the Nerd's break down of episodes. Though if he does end up watching it, yes, definitely be careful to only get the spoiler-free version. They also have a spoiled version.

Linda Bykle

I don't like this episode...I know everybody else does...but I think it's just annoying and a waste of time 🙈😳


Also everyone states that the cheese was not important and it may have been the most important thing. We learned earlier this season when Riley was pursuing Buffy for the 9 mins of that one episode, Willow's first thought was to tell him how much Buffy loves cheese and the "Scoobies" were attached to Buffy's Slay-vision, so maybe cheese is just that important to Buffy. Buffy's love of cheese is now part of the "Slayer Line", it will be passed down along with strength courage, agility, badassness and a love of "Bad Ice Skating Movies", which all have issues except for "The Cutting Edge". that was surprisingly wicked good........"toe pick".......

Mariella Nilsson

Willow told Riley that Buffy really likes cheese earlier, so I just thought that got in to the dream!


Ah, good day on your channel for me--my favorite MCU character and my favorite Buffy episode! :D Thinking of Faith, I do wish she'd been there, the same way Oz was in Willow's dream. I wonder if Eliza was busy. But Bianca Lawson could have been in it as Kendra, too. One of them could have been the one speaking for the First Slayer. (I love Tara, but one of the other slayers--oo, even Sunday--would have been super cool in that role.) Also, this essay was written the summer between seasons, so no spoilers (unless they were accidental), if you want some "thinky" stuff and a breakdown that won't spoil you for the next few seasons. (Beware, most essays on the internet will get into the foreshadowing.) http://longstoryshortpier.com/exegesis/


Honestly, you going through the breakdown was my fav part...


I do appreciate how people on here were so worried about you looking up the dissection of this episode due to spoilers and then put in their own spoilers to state how glad they are you were not spoiled. Sometimes the passion of the fandom outweighs all logic and thought.


If you check youtube for 'Passion of the Nerd' he has a spoiler free breakdown of the episode, omitting anything that would be relvent for future episodes... Some people have said in the comments there are spoilers, but I just watched it through and I don't see anything. There are only 2 quick frames from future episodes with no context or narrative that would spoil. However, you could just start from 4:10 if you want to skip the intro ande get straight to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pvu4ZIokVk&t=1252s


this is definitely one of my most favourite episodes of the whole series. Its so fascinating and genius. Joss is just so frickin' clever. Its so dreamlike, and so beautifully shot, and just so well done.

Tarot Discombe

The best episode, it's so great to look back at this and get it, but there's a lot that you can get straight away, like Willows sexuality, Xander being stuck, Giles not having a regular life and Buffy feeling as vast and empty as a desert (along with soooo much more) I love the little things like Xander being watched by the initiative while he pees cause he has a soldiers inside view that the government watches us, and Riley saying they're taking over the world, very topical right now. And Xander getting taken by the initiative, he feels maybe he would only be good as a soldier, and the brother thing with Buffy, cause well, it's Xander, that's who he is to her. Also the Spike watcher thing cause he says he "was into that for a while" which you can see straight away, he did seem like he might have been a good candidate to be taught by Giles but he feels like he can't understand them sometimes, which explains the french. I think Xanders' is the best. I love that Giles finds solace in singing about his life and pain, plus I think that picture we see of him when he's young he has a guitar, can't remember. Buffy being a little kid and when she has that shot in her dorm with Anya of the first slayer and wakes up in her bed at home like being in college was also the nightmare and she's still a highschool student because she feels she hasn't been able to live her life like a normal girl and wants that so badly (even though if she just stopped whining she would realise how good she has it... just saying) Bringing up that Willow thing, her nightmare for opera and Xander yelling "Who cares" in class, there are just so many little non spoilery things in there that are so good :}

Naturally Geeky

Do you know when will the new reaction will be up?its been almost2 weeks.


Thank you! Wonderful reaction and episode! Once you watch the next season you could come back to this episode and understand some foreshadowing that will blow your mind :)

Phoenix Dawn

This is my most favourite TV episode for any show, ever! It will gain so many new meanings once you finish the entire show!


the episode has a lot of foreshadowing of future events, but its heavy with character development too. it delves into the psyches of the characters -- their fears, desires, and conflicts. xander's dream shows that he feels like life is moving too fast and he can't keep up, his friends are leaving him behind, and he'll forever be stuck in his parent's basement. yes -- willow's dream was about her sexuality, but also about her fear of reverting back to her former high school self (insecure and lacking in confidence). gilles' took on the father figure role in his dream. the way he was holding buffy's hand, walking her through the carnival like a parental figure -- but also knowing that in order to be a watcher, he had to leave that familial role behind. notice when his girlfriend olivia is crying, the stroller is tipped over and now empty. this symbolizes that the potential path of having a family is no longer an option for gilles. finally, buffy's dream is about her having to face the unknown alone and how no one, not even her friends, will ever understand the path she has to take in being the slayer. even buffy's mom, who she has literally closed off, can't help her or understand. the scene of her mom literally stuck behind a wall and buffy refusing to break it down to get her out is a nod to this. there is plenty more symbolism that i'm sure you'll read up on or find out the meaning of as you finish the series, so i won't get into too much of that just yet. this really is an iconic buffy episode though. glad you enjoyed it. :)


I always thought the cheeseman might have something to do with the fact that Willow told Riley that Buffy likes cheese and that just kinda spilled into their dreams as a weird little aside.

Glorie Bluestein

I'm a little late to the party but it also looks like no one really covers this (I didnt read all comments). Buffys mom was in the wall to show the barrier that was building between them. That since she went off to college they weren't as close. This was brought up in the faith episode with the mail and at the beginning of this one when joyce points out how she's only just meeting riley. ....I mean Giles may have been feeling a bit left out but at least even he was invited to buffys birthday party. Then goes even further when her mom says she could free her but shes to distracted by her friends and forgets all about her mom again