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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Yes please, please do the remaining 2 episodes this weekend. Make it all a watch. It's going to be amazing.


Thank you for watching this one and for the reaction. This episode is one of my favourites from the entire series, I would give it a 10. I am a huge Harold and Grace fan, love their relationship. This episode also feature my favourite line from a character of the entire series. ''If anything happens to Grace, Kill Them All!''


Fun fact Harold's fiance in the show is his wife in real life.


For the record, Harold never lied to Grace. He just disappeared to protect her. He also tried to tell her the truth about his youth but she said it doesn't matter because she knows who he is (in a previous flashback).


Personally, this is where Harold hardcore dropped in my favorite character rankings. He goes from "we can't take lives even if it would mean saving hundreds" to "If they harm Grace, kill them all". Why is it that Grace is worth more than all the people potentially dying bc of Samaritan? Why are the people working for Decima worth less than a corrupt politician whose actions will doom dozens/maybe hundreds/maybe thousands to die for his financial gain? I don't know, I just lost all respect for him. It's supposed to be a badass scene, probably, but nah.


Well maybe because, the politician didn't had any idea how bad the decision to allow Samaritan to go online would be. And also Harold didn't realise how bad it would be with Samaritan or if they can stop Greer another way. Also the people working for Samaritan abducted Grace and most likely killed many others. No idea what you are on about. And IT WAS a badass scene :D

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really love this episode a lot! I love seeing the team's fight to save Grace for Finch. I especially love the moment shared between Finch and Grace when he quickly reaches out to catch her before she falls as they walk by one another. And I also especially love the final moments shared between Finch and Reese, as well as between Shaw and Lionel. And then... I love, love, love the moment in the end between Reese, Grace, and Lionel, when Grace recognizes that Reese seems to have known Harold and asks him such, to which Reese simply answers that he knew she loved him and that he loved her too. You can see that losing Finch is very difficult for each of the team members, but it's especially hard for Reese, given that they've known one another the longest and because Reese feels so indebted to Finch for him having saved his life a few times at this point. Phenomenal! Thank you so very much once again for your reaction for this amazing episode, my friend!! Until next time...


Except they told the politician about it and he didn't care - and Harold *did* know, it's been established multiple times what the consequences of Samaritan coming online would be. It's hypocrisy to act like the Machine, John and Shaw are monsters for considering offing the politician to save lives when he has no qualms to tell them to kill multiple people out of revenge..


Well, in the politician's defense, he was kidnapped by them and they didn't paint the whole story as he would not be able to understand fully the concept of a true artificial intelligence. And Harold & Co, has not exhausted all the options of stopping Samaritan to come online. Like Harold said *we've never been here'. Sounds to me you just use your own prejudices to spoil Harold's character.


Except I didn't have any prejudices, since Harold was in my top 3 favorite characters before this episode. The whole "We've never been here before" sounded more like an excuse to me. But to each their own


Except they actually have never been asked to murder someone, especially a congressman before. Literally.


Welcome to the reality you will hopefully never face, and without question would be no different about no matter how much we want to believe otherwise.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Harold has never really been in my top 3 but I hated his hypocrisy here. Refusing to kill one person to save possibly millions and then telling the murder twins to kill everyone of grace gets hurt. He has no idea how “guilty” the people that may die are. Root told him earlier that in the first minutes after Samaritan comes on line “a lot of people are going to die” but all of them are less valuable than one woman ?!

Dani C

It was hypocritical - but it was also human. However rational and principled someone is that will often go by the wayside when their loved ones are threatened.