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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Tammy L. Faulkner

I hate Lori... however, I agree about the Rick thing. Like you said NO ONE WENT AFTER THE GIRL... except Rick. I love Carol, but she blames Rick so that she doesn't have to blame herself. Rick made a bad decision on leaving the girl behind, but who else was there to make ANY decision. If it had been my child... hell, even if it had been any of my fur babies, I would have gone after them on my own... breaking Lori's nose in the process. As for Shane... well, I just hate him more than anybody else in this season.

Daniel R

In situations like this, kids are so precious that they need constant protection because it's literally survival of the fittest. Kids won't survive on their own, they need their parents, which is why this episode frustrated me as much as you. There were open vehicles, you mean they couldn't have tucked the kids away in the back of a truck and wait til everything passes? Rick made the only decisions he could so I don't blame him for everything although I don't agree with leaving Sophie behind. Have her climb a tree or something while using our speed and intelligence to outflank and defeat both slow moving opponents.

Cheddah Slammer

I don't know I am more on Ricks side on this, He couldn't take out the two walkers with the guns he had cause it would alert the big group, and when he was in the water he didn't have any other weapons. Wouldn't him having a rock big enough to save her just be a plot device, and be too convenient. He also told her to stay put unless he didn't come back and she didn't listen and immediately left. Even Karl didn't listen to Lori in this episode, she said stay within eye distance but he didn't. Rick made a decision, and even if it was the bad one, why is everyone questioning everything he does now yet they themselves don't make their own decisions.

Cheddah Slammer

Also with the Dale thing, when I watched they both are right, Dale sees it as if he saved Andrea's life, and he sees her as unstable. In real life if someone tried to commit suicide you would take their weapons away, and would baby them. The problem is their not in real life, but Dale doesn't get that. On the other hand Andrea sees it as if Dale stopped her from living in a cruel world so she is correct as well. Thats why I love this show, they give you two sides of the coin and you can pick whatever side you want.