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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Daniel R

LOVE this episode, definitely waited long enough for some plot-heavy stuff since at the time this was supposed to be the "last season". To each their own but for me it was lame getting these MOTW episodes in a season where the literal Devil is on the loose and they're fucking around in an insane asylum or switching bodies lol

Nicole Garver

So, first, it’s good to have a new video from you (I know you’ve been having internet issues & such). Glad to see you’re okay. I don’t believe that anyone sent Anna. I think what she told Cas was the truth - she had been in heaven’s jail, the angels tried to brainwash her but she was able to break out. The other angels don’t want Sam dead; they want the war between Michael and Lucifer to occur, and they want it to be Dean and Sam as the vessels. So she’s figured that out and wants to stop it and believes the only way to do that is to make sure Sam is dead (or that both boys are never born). Amy Gumenick is the actress portraying the younger Mary. She was also Mary in the other flashback episode. Matt Cohen is the YoungJohn/Michael actor and I agree that the casting of these two was perfect. They both did such a good job. The scenes that each of them had with Jensen were just stellar. Jared also did such a good job of portraying Sam’s conflicted feelings towards John and the pure adoration and wonder of seeing his mother for the first time. I’ve always felt that this episode really showcases the growth as actors that both Js have made. Kripke has said that John and Mary were supposed to be around 20 in the first flashback episode, which was set in 1973. So, in this episode they are in 1978. Their ages are supposed to be 25 or so. Dean is born in January of 1979 and then Sam in May of 1983. Take care, looking forward to another one soon. XXOO

Calvin Allen

I believe Anna really did escape. All the angels except for Cas and Anna want the apocalypse to happen. The angel's of heaven want Sam to accept Lucifer because it is a part of god's plan. And Uriel did as he was told because that is how angels normally act. Anna used to be their boss and questioning meant death


I hope you're doing well and feeling better. This is one of my all time favorite episodes, but my goodness was this infuriating to watch. Brother, PAY ATTENTION!!😂 I mean at this point explaining myself seems a little redundant since I've done so several times at this point. I love your reactions and I hate having to come off like this, especially with everything going on right now, because it sounds so complainy, but you have to STOP looking at your phone or other places besides the show that you're reacting to. Or at least put it on pause. We don't mind, but It takes you out of the intensity, the sadness or the happiness that the episode is trying to deliver when you're not seeing the facial expressions or dwelling in the scene. 🙃 This episode in particular, in my opinion, is one of the most poetic episodes of Supernatural EVER and you're not paying attention. Honestly you might need to re-watch it to understand everything that happens and let it sink in. This was a beautifully done episode.🤗 I mean the idea that no matter what the boys do they always end up here, because it's their destiny in every path will lead to the same destination. Then in the end where Marry and John were so happy except that the audience knows that in about 5 years (in there time) it'll all begin, the end of their family and everything that Mary never wanted will commence. It's so horrific and beautiful, and maddening. And maybe its the sad music, but just thinking about that is enough to make me cry😭😂 However I do agree about Anna. I was also a fan of her character, so watching her become what she did was sad, and I definitely didn't want her to die...and yes Amy Gumenick is the same actress that plays young Mary in the last episode as well (In the Beginning) she's amazing, and so is Matt Cohen who plays young John. Anyway I'm glad you liked the episode. Pay attention to the next one, see you next time. 😏


Just to clarify with Anna, no one sent her. She was a rogue acting on her own judgement. It's what she's been doing since she made the choice to fall and take human form when we first met her. Remember, God is AWOL. No one has seen him in centuries. That means Michael is running Heaven. And Heaven's plan is The Plan that God wrote down at the beginning of history. This is destiny as God fortold it. Everything that led to Sam and Dean being born and their lives as hunters is part of The Plan. And The Plan is for them to say yes to their respective angels and fight the Battle of Armageddon. Any other outcome is unacceptable to Heaven. Go back to 5x8 and watch Gabriel's speech at the end. This is what he was talking about.

Daniel R

I never liked Anna, she always felt like a shoehorned in character that the writers felt like they needed to have yet another parallel between the brothers. "Ooh Sam is shacking up with Ruby, a demon, how funny would it be if Dean shacked up with an angel?!" Glad she finally was destroyed.

Valencia Lanier

Anna sent herself. She's not brainwashed but Sam and Dean started the Apocalypse while she was in Heaven prison. So she feels the only way to stop it is to kill Sam because he is Lucifer's vessel as opposed to Dean who is Micheal's vessel. I always thought the whole reason Micheal came down is because she was about to kill Mary who is pregnant with his True Vessel. He wasn't necessarily concerned with Lucifer losing his True Vessel.

Mark Wood

Actually, Anna isn't brainwashed. Anna isn't trying to do Heaven's work. In fact Heaven wants the fight. Anna feels the only way she can stop the worse part of the battle is by killing Lucifer's prime vessel. Both Arch Angels are at their strongest in their true vessel. If they have to use someone else, they are weaker. Thus Micheal would very likely have a big advantage (if Dean says yes) against Lucifer in a different Meat Seat.


Sam's reaction to seeing his parents broke my heart 😔

Rue Surnameunimportant

I don't wanna spoil but I ain't sure the Anna part you mention is true. Also, I think Michael meant he doesn't have onlyyyy One True Vessel. He has many but Lucifer does now, ie, the best vessel is the one alive while Sam ( The ONLY option for Lucifer ) which is why they were originally trying to get John to break in Hell but Dean broke first.

Mark Wood

Actually Angel management always knew exactly who was going to be and what events they needed to trigger. They didn’t tell the power tanks this truth. So they knew it was going to be Dean not John. And they knew what events needed to happen before the intervened. It’s like how Castiel and Uriel didn’t want Sam using his powers. But in reality the higher ups knew he had to, just like they knew Dean had to break. As for vessels, Dean states he thought he was the only person that could hold Michael. Michael confirms but that but says there are others. Now the show also states multiple times about how it has to be Sam and Dean and about how Mary and John’s line has to produce them both. Not to mention how Dean and Sam also share similar traits and behavioral types with Michael and Lucifer. Then with Lucifer we know that his vessel is special because it can contain his spirit (at least for a while). But not all humans could at all. If it could be anyone else who depends from Cain and Abel then neither party would waste time or effort they would just pluck some other descendant living or even long dead and fight. Hell they could just bring Cain and Abel out to kill each other. So rationally the most perfect vessels must be Sam and Dean. And others in the bloodline are going to work for a fashion, but not be as effective.

Brenda Lewis

Anna thinks she can stop the apocalypse with killing Lucifer's vessel. Different then when they took Cas back to heaven. This is an amazingly well written episode . It bookends "In the Beginning" the episode that first introduces the parents. Obviously she didn't know Mary was pregnant with Dean. Honestly the details you get hung up on are odd to me. But I can't say. As far as Michael is concerned he is an archangel so he might exist in all timelines simultaneously. not sure but he did seem to be aware of the future, which mean he was not a past version of himself. I think you aren't always in the moment of the episode, you seem to be trying to think ahead instead of letting it happen and then going over it. Just an observation.


I didn’t think I missed anything in the episode. I didn’t think I looked at my phone too much but I guess I just didn’t notice.


Man that was a great episode and a mostly great reaction. Idk how the Ana thing halted you so much, but yes, she was completely honest the whole episode. She was not under anyones orders, she is not friendly with heaven in any way having escaped them, and she doesn't WANT to kill Sam, she feels she HAS to, to stop the apocalypse. Lets say someone told you there was a 10% chance the world would end OR you could kill one person... that would really suck but it wouldn't really be a tough choice for an Angel no matter how good they are.

Amy Rustand

I'm really torn. Since when does Anna think killing humans is a good plan?? NEVER. She has never thought that. She's always been against it. She may not be on the side of the Angels who want the Apocalypse to happen (Uriel in the future, and Michael) but SOMEONE in Heaven got to her. She's been brainwashed - she was scared to go back to Heaven when she remembered she was an angel in S4. She was on the run! I think she knew Heaven had some sort of power over Angels. Look at what happened to Castiel in season 4 when he was forcibly removed from Jimmy's vessel. He came back totally on plan and working against Sam and Dean until his change of heart in the finale. Something is going on in Heaven that Angels can be manipulated. I think Anna was manipulated too, just not along the lines of the Apocalypse. She was manipulated to avoid it AT ALL COSTS, which was never her original M.O..... She had always known what was right and wrong, what was just, before being taken back to Heaven. Someone got to her in Heaven....I am Catholic, so I also hate the notion that there is no such thing as free will. Just because God may know our choices, doesn't mean we aren't making them on our own. You can watch a parade from down on the street and have no idea where it goes from your small viewing area - or you could be watching the parade from the top of a skyscraper and see the entire thing from beginning to end. We see our lives from the street, a small perspective. God sees our lives from the skyscraper- beginning, middle, end. But we still make our own choices. Even if He sees what they will be and we don't....I may need to put aside theology to enjoy this series LOL....


I hated the look on Dean's face at the end of the discussion with Michael, usually he says Something, he is provocative but he was just quiet and seemed tired which I get the sentiment. Good lock to them. . .

Helen Wood

Anna's problem is that angels were never intended to have free will and make their own decisions. Other angels also end up making terrible choices when they try to think for themselves.


Yeah with Anna you were basing your opinion on what you thought was happening or theorizing not what was actually stated and shown in the episode. She was acting alone and said so to Cas. She wasn't brainwashed she was in Heavens prison and escaped and felt like Sam needed to die before he could become Lucifers vessel so she went back to kill Mary or John. That's all. You were just misinterpreting the episode after the Cas conversation because you were assuming she was working for the other Angels when she wasn't.