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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



I didn't think that you meant that Amy was dumb, you meant her decision was dumb and I was trying to get a cross the idea that her entire childhood, she was not believe about something she knew was true the "Doctor", so it would make sense for her to need to gather more information on her own than/then the normal person, before she would speak up. I apologize if I worded that as an attack.


Now you realize why we have been so pushy, we have been waiting to see how you would view these two episodes. I am sorry, I have been one of them, but I had to know and now I do. Please remember to enjoy the ride, even if sometimes I make it difficult for you to do so. Geronimo!!!!!!


No I didn’t take it as an attack. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m attacking the characters.


I gave it a 10, to me, my rating of a "10" comes from a "Tent Pole" episode (Moffat has a lot of those). I know that when someone gets to these two in a row, they are going to fell a certain way. I realize why you graded the way you did.

Henry from CO

The Weeping Angels and River Song. Doesn't get much better than that.


I always defend Amy for trying to kiss the doctor because she’s just confused and scared. This is a man who she thought she made up in her head for 12 years. He met her as a child and had such a profound impact on her development. She grew up having an imaginary friend, she had journals, made dolls, posters and other things pertaining to him. Her entire life revolved around their encounter. Now, he is back into her life and she’s confused because she doesn’t know what to feel. She isn’t crazy or mentally ill; her childhood friend is real. It’s mixed emotions combined with the fact that she is older and has a boyfriend. The doctor still sees her as this little girl, but she is NOT. He then proceeds to take her in her nightgown in his time machine to foreign planets. I don’t blame her for being confused. I think she was trying to prove to him that she isn’t that little girl anymore from their first encounter.


OCTAVIAN: “Dr. Song, I've lost good clerics today. You trust this man?” RIVER: “I absolutely trust him.” OCTAVIAN: “He's not some kind of madman then?” RIVER: “I absolutely trust him.” You may have noticed that River didn’t answer Octavian’s second question. Steven, you’re doing a great job picking up on the rapid-fire banter which often hints at easily overlooked bits of information. You’ve figured out we’re being given pieces to a jigsaw puzzle that won’t make sense until we see the larger picture. Season 5 is not just a new era for Doctor Who, it’s a different kind of story-telling than we’ve had before.

Dani C

Yeah -an entirely different approach to the narrative. This for me is when Who reached its greatest heights of story telling. I love the Moffat era.

DJ Doena

BTW: Steven: When we first met River Song back in series 4, one of the things she asked the Doctor was "Have we done the crash of the Byzantium yet?". Which now they did. ;-)

Dani C

I really enjoyed your reaction - :) I think taken together this 2-parter is a 9 - a strong 9. The character and relationship building, the intriguing premise and the execution were all on point.

Dani C

Also need to remember she's getting married in the morning - she started to tell the Dpctor about the wedding at the end of Beast Below, when she asked if he had ever run from something. So, she's in a destabilised place already, having a bit of a wobble about what she's doing in the morning, and her imaginary friend who has underpinned almost her entire life, whisked her off to see the universe and then she had a near death experience...clump all that together and add in her youth, it's not entirely surprising she was in that head space.


I totally understand what you mean when you call Amy an idiot or stupid. I adore Amy and River but there are many times I am sitting there telling them not to be an idiot. Stupid decisions are a common affliction in Doctor Who. I fully admit that if I was in those positions I'd probably be making stupid choices too! I'm glad you like this episode so much. It's so much fun watching you experience this episode the first time. The angels are so scary. They do the long term arc of the crack in the wall so beautifully this season. I don't buy Amy's romantic feelings for the Doctor. Personally I think that she realizes she wants this time traveling life and is having cold feet. She doesn't want the stay on earth married life. She wants to keep up this T.A.R.D.I.S and the doctor life.


I think Karen Gillan drew on her experiences in sketch show comedy for that end bit! I thought it was kind of funny and random, if a bit messed up when looked at objectively. And yeah, there are character explanations for her behaviour if you look for them. Moffat has said recently that he regrets the way they played that scene so comedically.

Daniel R

"She had her eyes open for like 5 seconds, she should be dead". She mentioned she still had a bit of the countdown left before she did it. If she had counted down to 1 before the Doctor figured out the pause then I would fight for her to keep her eyes closed but she had stopped at like 4 or 3 giving her a window of time to play with. Understandable :)

Daniel R

Amy has tons of chemistry with the Doctor, I think considering her predicament and situation and everything we've seen with her and the Doctor it makes "sense" in a way. She's also young and infatuated with a man who whisked her away in the middle of the night before her wedding--if that doesn't tip you off lol


River Song is my *favorite* DW companion. She's awesome. This two parter is when Matt Smith in my mind cemented his "Doctorness". Ten is my Doctor, but Eleven is just a hair below him in my estimation, and his chemistry with Alex Kingston (River) is so great. Fantastic storyline. River's timeline in relation to the Doctor is hella confusing, so much so that people have made videos breaking it down. Don't watch those until you've finished the series, though, lol. Spoilers. ;)


45:30 you asked a question about were this episode sits with most fans. This is a Tentpole set of episodes. This is one, that people who have seen it await the time when others get to see it for the first time. The two in the middle are divisive and the first episode is considered one of the best openings for a new Doctor up to this point. So, you are right were you need to be, except this Doctor has a lot of frenetic energy, he does things in the background and if you look away you miss out on some of his charm, you see most of it in your review, so you are good.


PUT YOUR DAMN PHOE AWAY! Charge people for reaction then look at your phone all the way through. Ubelievable arrogance