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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



inga lola

That was fun, I am glad you liked it. This episode is usually underrated, never included in some hot top 10's of Psych, I personally really enjoy it, a lot of jokes from this episode I use: for example, he is allergic to rich white people, always makes me smile :). I think this episode have a good balance of usual Psych physycal comedy: guys running and screaming with witty remarkes (like Ponzi scheme). Also all the guest stars are very great fits (I would call son a spoiled/entitled brat but dumass is good too). About the begining, I agree they wanted to show bonding berween Shawn and Dad, it was actually the first time than Dad went along with Shawn's shenanigans. Overall very solid episode, happy you enjoyed it. More to come, a lot of fun coming your way this season and a little bit of sadness too.


I love this episode. The one thing I didn’t like was the fact that Abigail went behind shawn’s back and met his dad. I understand if she wanted to meet him but I would find it disrespectful if the person I am dating goes behind my back and meets my parents after I clearly told them not too. Every time I see this episode it makes me feel weird that not only did she go behind Shawn’s back and meet his dad but she even tries to fix their relationship despite just meeting the dad. I feel like that is not something that would happen and I honestly hated all the scenes with her in it this episode. Other than that it was a great episode


The connection between the beginning scene and the rest of the episode had more to do with the 'all families are weird' idea, with the crazy rich family being compared to the weird vegan family on the block. Decent episode and great reaction

Amanda Winner (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:37:15 This is my favorite episode, I always come back to it to laugh. I love that not only Shawn & Gus are funny here, like seeing Abigail, good case that made sense with real stakes
2020-04-21 14:59:45 This is my favorite episode, I always come back to it to laugh. I love that not only Shawn & Gus are funny here, like seeing Abigail, good case that made sense with real stakes

This is my favorite episode, I always come back to it to laugh. I love that not only Shawn & Gus are funny here, like seeing Abigail, good case that made sense with real stakes

Cindy Lou

I thought Shawn making fun and walking out quickly (even though he literally just sat down ) during the tag goes to show exactly how much Henry's distance and strictness when raising him affected him. He learned it from the best- Henry gets uncomfortable, gets mean/critical/controlling, walks out. Shawn gets uncomfortable, makes jokes/brushes it off, walks out. Henry, I think, is starting to see that it WAS his influence that made Shawn the way he is. Which is why it's hysterical Shawn has tried so long to not be like his Dad- he'd be horrified if he saw those patterns, too. I also wish they would integrate more Abigail.