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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Daniel R

"What's season 2 even gonna be about?" Oh man things get way crazier and I think you'll find yourself liking the lore in this show more than most as it's more consistent. Really glad you liked the finale, my heart was racing waiting for you to see the Katherine twist especially with how mad you were after the kiss lmao good stuff

Futuristic Girl

Season 2 is crazy!!! Katherine's entrance was soo fire!! I was wondering would you be able to tell the difference. Bonnie was being fickle. I didn't like her trying to be threatening because that's just not her.

Daniel R

Also I think your reaction was mine when Tyler and his dad were affected from the device. I wont say either way but on rewatches the clues are there the entire time for Tyler and his family it's crazy how detailed the writers were and it only gets better in season 2 I promise lol no I swear to you

Therese Larsen

Oh yeah, there’s especially that one episode where it’s so obvious to me, but I don’t think any reactors have picked up on it. I noticed it straight away, and then again in another episode. I’m not gonna say anything more because I don’t wanna spoil anything yet, but I think you know what I’m talking about 😅

Tendai kangas

season 2 is the best season no cap

Adira Griffin

The spin off show doesn’t start until season 4 of TVD ends.


if you wanna react to the spin-off "The Originals", this starts after the end of Vampire Diaries Season 4, the spin-off "Legacies" starts after both Vampire Diaries and The Originals have ended. as for season 2: I'm very excited for you to see it - season 2 and 3 are the favorite seasons of most fans and arguably the best-written ones as well. you'll like it.


oh man, season 1 has absolutely nothing on season 2 imho.. way more twists, way more interesting character developments and way better action sequences as well


Great reaction. A much loved episode, I liked how you were willing it to be Katherine. When you rewatch this, you'll realise it was obviously not Elena. I think Caroline was hurt badly because she was trying to grab hold of the wheel and was at a funny angle upon impact. S2 is awesome. S1 is not one of the best seasons (I rank it in 5th place). You are in for one helluva ride in S2. The clues about Tyler and his dad have been in the background (literally) on a number of occasions this season. There is a lot of foreshadowing in this show, which people don't always give it credit for. Next season you will be introduced to more vampire lore and mythology. This is where this show excels, it is consistent and actually makes sense. There is a reason for everything, even the little things. Nothing is random, eg in other stories vampires are randomly affected by garlic, but no explanation as to why is given. In this show, you will find out everything behind the mythology. Can't wait for the next episode. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Daniel R

Anna's death still pisses me off to this day, Uncle John got what he deserved in the end.

Idun V

Aaaaah! I just want the next episode right now!

Daniel R

What do I need to edit my pledge to in order to get 2 eps a week? Lol


Season 2 is so deep and goes way beyond just Katherine being in town like it's not that type of show lol. It's a great season and develops the show to the next level


These guys know what they're talking about, if you watch season 2 and 3 and stop there, the series could go down as one of your favorites. Now I'm not saying you should stop there, just that that's the peak of the show, imo.

Valencia Lanier

I have been waiting for you to get to this episode FOREVER lol. Oh Katherine. So ready for you to see the next season. The ramp up for the plot and stuff is real.

Idun V

I don't fully agree, but then I'm not as madly in love with the season 3 villain as most people are. One of my favourite points in the show happens in Season 6, plus my fave villain(Meaning the guy who shows up early on).


That's fair. For me though it's more about season 4 just not doing it for me. Can't really elaborate for fear of spoiling but the early episodes had a LOT of a certain emotion (justifiably) and the way it was handled was not enjoyable in the slightest for me

D.j. Lachmandas

you cant start the originals till you finish season 4 of TVD!!

s jaco

I always rewatch S1 till S4. S2 and S3 are the best ones. Though personally speaking I always think it depends on which characters you like and which couples you like. Like with Buffy. Some prefer Early season buffy, the high school set up, and Oz, angel and Cordelia. Other the later ones, for who stars in that and the pairings they prefer and the life after high school they lead.

Amanda Winner

agreed, I can rewatch seasons 1-3 over and over but haven't ever finished season 4 and 5 and did mostly complete 6-8. Season 6 does have one of my fav storylines


Its been said before you should watch upto season 4 before watching The Originals, but you SHOULD definitely watch The Originals, it gives you a fuller back story to the origins and is even better than TVD.

Tammy L. Faulkner

"No, what the fuck, really? Son of a bitch, okay..." 🤣 hook line and sinker! Now we get to the really good stuff, that was just the kick off.