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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 




Some shows introduce an ensemble cast and let the writers figure them out as the series progresses episode by episode. Other shows know who the characters are from the outset and reveal them to us layer by layer. Anyone who thinks the writers didn’t know exactly what they were doing by this episode have underestimated how carefully designed Agents of SHIELD is. Very few scenes are wasteful and almost no line of dialogue is unnecessary, but you’re not going to know that without the benefit of hindsight down the line. SHIELD is one of those shows that can be watched more than once for the first time because there’s more baked into it than can be appreciated the first time around. Keep up the excellence, David.


This is a fantastic episode for FitzSimmons. One of my favorites 😁. I haven’t watched your reaction yet, but I’m about to.


The first great episode of the series. There will be many many more further down the line (and much better ones), just have to power through this initial stretch.

Vicky N

This is a fantastic episode. Fitz-Simmons were fantastic. Loved your reaction. You shouldn’t focus too much on other people opinion about the show. You are worrying too much about liking an episode because people keep telling you that the show is not enjoyable in the first stretch. Just try to forget about that and enjoy the show on your own term.

Dani C

Have you considered setting up a discord server? Or asking your brother to set up a channel for you in his server?

Dani C

Yeah, I loved this episode when I first saw it. I was enjoying the series up to then, but this one switched it up a gear. The relationship between Fitz and Simmons is played so delicately - the way Fitz is trying to cheer her up and engage her in banter, the way the bickering got more heated as stress levels mounted - their chemistry is brilliant and they are both superb actors. The actor who plays Fitz was one of the main the reasons I decided to give the show a go. I was so impressed with him in The Fades - for such a young actor he had a really subtle performance style and mad screen presence, so I was really interested to see what he did next. But everyone put in great performances and there was a lot of character development for all of them.

Dani C

Shades of X Files to the opening on this one I thought.

Dani C

Ok - last comment, I promise - the only reason I wouldnt give this episode a 9, is that I know what is in store across the next several seasons - I know how good the show gets :p . If I was watching this series for the first time, I would absolutely give this a 9.

Katherine Thoreson

This is the episode where I knew this show had me. I was going to be hooked and stick with it to the end. I gave it a 10 because of this. I also tell people that if they want to give this show a chance, at least get to this episode, and then decide how you feel about it. And even then, this episode is just the tip of the iceberg which is just amazing. So glad you enjoyed it. :D


"I didn't expect to get emotional." You must have missed the fact that there are Whedons involved ;) To me that name is the "trigger warning" that I should probably watch something alone because I hate for people to see me cry and it really isn't a question of "if" I am going to end up all teary eyed, just a question of when.