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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


DJ Doena

That's not "Zachary Quinto from Star Trek"! That's "Zachary Quinto from Heroes"! :-P

DJ Doena

When I was watching Heroes back in 2006 it was in the early years of my listening skills for the English language. I had started collecting TV shows like Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9 and Babylon 5 on DVD* and had watched them with subtitles. But Heroes was an on-air show and I didn't have subtitles. It was - so to speak - boot camp training. And at that point in the show I was like: What's a Hayshen? *Back then every season of TNG and DS9 cost 100-110€. But if you bought all seven seasons in the same store, you'd get the seventh season for free! What a bargain!


there's a deleted scene where eden and claire actually know each other and seem like really good friends. it takes place when they first see each other in this episode!


The sooner you upload the next episode the better! I'm with Steven, if I think about all the episodes that are worthy of a 9 or a 10, I'm gonna have to give this episode an 8. All the episodes are great tbh. And don't you guys worry, all your questions will be answered! I feel bad for Ted though. He's not the most likable person at the moment, but he's been through a lot.


I won't at all claim to be an expert but...I believe the reason they have Mohinder speak English when in India is as a nod to the heavy British colonization that happened and the lasting influence it had. Additionally, English is used a lot for government, business, and education work. Because Mohinder's social circle primarily includes educators, professors, scientists, and doctors, English is used far more than it would be in other circles/fields. Indian English is also used often as a common language between people from different regions of India who speak different Indian languages.

Sarah Trow

Charlie said "she got the book for her birthday 6months ago and started reading it last week"


You can be upset with Micah it is cool, he has that ability and he makes his mom strip on a webcam? That kid can kiss my ass......hahahaha