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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Yeah, Season 4 is....interesting. It has some of the best episodes to date (Fear, Itself and Hush being standouts, as well as the Faith two episode arc) but it also has some of the absolute worst episodes (Where the Wild Things Are and Beer Bad). Season 4 has the weakest big bad up until now and overall story arc is okay at best. All I will say, is that it does get better though

Amanda S

Hard to believe all those episodes are in the same season lol... Beer Bad feels like forever ago.


I like Season 4, it is entertaining enough and has some of my favourite stand alone episodes. The main arc of The Initiative and Adam was entertaining but for me it lacked an emotional kick. I watch it and enjoy it but I'm not fully "on the edge of my seat oh my god what's going to happen oh god now I'm crying" if that makes sense.


I really like Season 4, and normally as I rewatch these shows I find more and more things to appreciate that I missed before and a deeper love.....but goddam, the initiative/adam stuff gets worse and worse on every rewatch!


I think that the level you feel about season 4 is about how you digest Riley and Adam as the "Big Bad". Riley, is a personal thing, I feel a certain way, but that could be me. Adam was a wonderful idea Both Doctor Frankenstein and the "Monster" going through an existential crisis their freshman year of college. I just wish they would have spent a little more time on CGI and physical construct/how it looked.


This season took risk, it pandered at times as seen in "Beer Bad", but as a show, that completely changed it's surroundings on the fly it overall was a really good season. Adam as the "Big Bad" was a great idea with middle of the road results, but for opening up Buffy to a theme of it's World being larger then High School it got the job done. One more......


Before I start to watch your reaction, I give it an 8, but I completely understand a 7. There are issues, but I appreciate what it was trying to do....it's Buffy and it had Spike in it, so it gets an 8......I am biased.


You asked a question and all I can say is this. We think we know what a slayer is, we have no idea.


I love how the gang defeats Adam -- as a team. Adam is not my favorite bad guy, but I love the way the story this season was a transition from how most high school friends break apart, but at the end of the season, they become stronger and realize they all need each other.


I love this episode. The scoobies back together, stronger than ever. The enjoining spell combining their strengths - Buffy's Slayerness, Giles' mind, Willow's magic and Xander as the heart of it all. So cool. For the finale, all I will say is that its one of my favourite episodes, but you'll wanna pay attention and go with the flow lol.

Marshall Dante Robertson

The stuff with the Scooby gang didn't really happen overnight. It was built up gradually over the course of the season but it was very subtle and not in your face. You just weren't, um, paying attention. 😅 I love Steven and this channel, my only gripe would probably be about him doing too many shows, since it's hard to remember certain nuances when you're juggling so many different storylines/threads in your mind. Anyways, I loved this episode ever since I saw it. Adam and the Initiative arc definitely left something to be desired but the conclusion was entertaining. That fight was one of the all time great battle sequences, Matrix Buffy and all!


I like season 4 for the comedy... but outside of the Willow/Oz breakup, it doesn't have the emotional kick. It does, however, have some of the coolest concept episodes like Hush, Who are You, and Fear Itself.


Steven, I enjoy your and your brother’s reactions, but with a minor quibble. Maybe it’s only a semantic issue, but both of you speak of “entertaining” us. When I watch your reactions, I’m not looking to be entertained. I want to share with you the experience of watching a show together. If I invited you to my home to watch a TV show with me, the entertainment is the show itself – not your response to it.


Taz, I always look forward to your comments on this channel and several others. I’ve been meaning to tell you that as well as two other things: 1) you put it very well about us only thinking at this point that we know what a Slayer is; and 2) check out my comment to Steven below as I wonder if you feel the same way about being “entertained.”


Going to be interesting to see the reaction to the next one. Kind of have to just give it its chance and not immediately just throw your hands up in the air.


Worst Buffy villain/show down.


You’re so close to getting to my favorite seasons of Buffy! So excited to finally get into Season 5 soon. Season 4 is my least favorite. I don’t think it does Anya and Tara justice fleshing them out and I just hate Riley. Also they really struggle with what to do with Spike this season.

Other Boy Reactions

I’ve always loved season 4 because I always thought it was gonna prepare me for what college was like. Move away from home, make new friends, meet boys who only want one-nighters and battle demons. I ended up doing all of that except it was after college and the boys were the demons😂 But I love that in this season the Scoobies were separated which caused them each to find out who they really were and then they came together again and became even stronger.

Daniel R

I don't remember much from Season 4 outside of the general idea of I didn't like it overall. Riley and the Initiative can go kick rocks for all I care. Buffy never really grew on me as a character until Season 5 because I could not give a rat's ass about her relationship with Angel or her relationships with the college boys and Riley, it was just a lot of stuff I didn't care for. When Angel became it's own thing I started investing more on his side of the fence because I actually did like the more darker approach, Batman as opposed to Scooby Doo if that makes any sense. Faith and the episode 'Hush' are the only real reasons I would stomach Season 4 again but it's most definitely not 'good' by any stretch of the imagination. We can make excuses for behind-the-scenes stuff, but guess what, most people who watch TV don't care for BTS stuff, they watch what's in front of them, either like it or dislike it, and move on. Season 4 is shit but I do actually enjoy 5, but Angel is the better show of the two by far, just saying.

Ari is my Cat

I don't think that they ever really explain what the spell did. It seems it combined the strengths of Willow, Xander, Giles and Buffy. I also think that it drew on the strengths of past slayers maybe or the source of the slayer's power? I like the finally though, it's a nice episode to close the season on.


Here's hoping that we get the next episode this week too. Can't wait to be done with season 4 and on to the stronger story of season 5.

Paul Gibson

I understand that in the scheme of buffy it's definitely one of the weaker seasons and the overarching story isn't great, but calling a season that gave us something blue, fear itself, hush and restless shit is a bit much. Alought it's a good description of where the wild things are