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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


DJ Doena

"Arbeitslager für Unerwünschte" - Work Camp for Undesirables. Most concentration camps had their own cynical motto, for example "Jedem das seine" - "To each their own" (KZ Buchenwald) "Arbeit macht frei" - "Work sets you free" (the one from this episode, KZ Dachau)


right or wrong on both fronts of the war when french troops and soviet troops broke into germany they were not taking many prisoners. . both were out for revenge. . unfortunate but its an inevitability in a war like this


Some morbid trivia. Alot of the camp extras that were skin and bone were cancer patients going through treatment.

DJ Doena

"This is the first one they've seen?" Concentration camps were mainly in Germany's main land or in the eastern occupied territories (like the most "famous" Auschwitz in today's Poland). I don't think there were any in France. The jews and other "undesirables" were shipped off eastward and put in the camps there. If you really want to understand the horror there's one movie that does not show any of it and yet makes you understand it. It's called "Conspiracy" made by HBO and stars Kenneth Branagh ("Henry V" or for Steven more recently as Professor Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter). It's a movie where a group of men sit around a table for 90 minutes and just talk. That's it. But it's bone-chilling. The entire movie is based on a real (and highly secret) transcript of a meeting that actually took place in early 1942. Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWLvq0jC-c0

Mark Wood

Yeah, while there were reports from people who escaped about the Jewish roundup of citizens and placed into certain areas of a city, but their wasn't much knowledge at least by the common man and soldier, about the death camps. Most of the war, the US forces were located in African, Italy, and Western Europe going towards Germany. Most of the truly seriously evil labor/ death camps were located in Eastern Europe and Poland, which were areas that the Russian army liberated (or plowed through, the Russians were seriously out for payback after the German invasion of Russia. When US troops came across places like this it was beyond the scope of anything they ever imagined. And interestingly while it's extremely unlikely that the locals near these camps were completely unaware what was going on, it is possible that they didn't realize how bad. And the troops used for these camps weren't the normal German Army, many of them were utterly shocked with the brutality of the SS and their branches of the service.

Mark Wood

And yes the Doctor was absolutely right. This patient's were very near death from starvation. You can literally kill yourself by consuming to much food when you are that starving. As for keeping them lockup, as utterly horrifying as it is, keeping them in place is the only way to properly monitor and care for them. A.lot more would die if they were allowed to wonder of, not have enough strength to take care of themselves.

Mark Wood

And while the show is fairly historically accurate, outside of making amalgams of certain characters, this episode Easy Company wasn't the first to get to this camp. An Armored Division was first, Easy Company arrived the next day. It would have still been gut wrenching for them, but making them be the first to arrive here makes a more dramatic episode.

Mark Wood

For myself I think I have watched the series about 10 times now, I try to watch it about once every 2 years at least. Some things, shouldn't be forgotten.


What should be mentioned the actors were deliberatly kept away from the set of the concentration camp by the director until the day they filmed these scenes so their reaction are mostly actually real. Also a lot of the people that act as the people imprisoned in the camp were cancer patients undergoing treatment. It should also be mentioned that what is shown in the show is still nothing compared to the real atrocities comminted in the camps and how it really was. It gives you an idea how horrifying it was but the real thing is just so much worse.

Ari is my Cat

The transcript of the meeting was supposed to have been destroyed but a couple people at the meeting kept them otherwise we would not fully know what happened. Germany went to great lengths to hide what they were doing.

DJ Doena

BTW: If your stomach is up for it, here's real footage of the liberation of KZ Dachau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxZaVjuy4ng

Chaos T

This is one of the most gut wrenching yet best hours of tv ever produced in my opinion.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I think the fact that people feel the need to look away and that they feel uncomfortable watching it means that more people need to see it. It’s great that people have an intellectual understanding of the Holocaust, but this makes you FEEL something about it. The fact that some people still deny that it even happened is mind boggling