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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



And here we go.........

Daniel R

Love this episode :)


This is a great episode, and I love how different it is from Blink. They fleshed out the angels a bit more, and added a bit more depth. The stuff with the River/Doctor is confusing but essentially they are meeting in reverse order. I would like to say more, but I don’t want to spoil anything. Amy’s scene with the TV was well done and creepy.


There is a lot that is going on, this is a story to follow or to dissect, it works both ways.


Amy is not dumb, unlike the rest of us, this is the first time Amy has ever encountered or heard of the "Weeping Angels". If you think about how long it took Sally Sparrow, to understand with limited information, Amy's figuring it out on the fly as information was incoming is comparable.


The way the Doctor and River meet out of order can be confusing. Very timey wimey as the Tenth Doctor would say. As confusing as it it, I don't think you've missed anything thus far as far as all that goes though. As to why the Doctor didn't just grab Amy's hand when she thought it was stone and pull her along, he does have his own unique way of doing things, and I think he had calculated the danger and was focused on getting her to overcome the hold the angel has on her mind in that moment because it would likely get worse and if she could learn to fight the hallucination then it might help. I guess when that wasn't working to get her to move it, he just took another approach. The bitey approach. lol

DJ Doena

The headless monks? :-O

DJ Doena

@Steven: Imagine a maze that has two entry points and loads and loads of crossings and diversions. The doctor and River are coming from two different sides and meet at random points in the maze. Except that the way through the maze is time. So whenever they meet, they may have met before and may meet after but their personal path on how these meetings go and in which order they take place is completely different.

DJ Doena

Or a simpler example: Imagine I show up at your door today, Apr 13, 2020. This is the first time I ever meet you on my personal timeline. Then in 2023 I invent a time machine and travel to 2015 and meet you (again). This will be the second time I meet you but your first time that you meet me. Now with a bit of timey-wimey when I meet you today you can tell me that I will invent a time machine. Because you've met me before (in 2015, remember?) even though I had never met you and haven't even invented a time machine yet...

DJ Doena

Or ask your brother, he has recent experience. Doc Brown met Marty McFly 13 years before Marty was born. The day Marty first meets Doc is not the same Day Doc first meets Marty.

Henry from CO

RIVER: Okay. I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and parked us right along side. DOCTOR: Parked us? We haven't landed. RIVER: Of course we've landed. I just landed her. DOCTOR: But, it didn't make the noise. RIVER: What noise? DOCTOR: You know, the (wheezing). RIVER: It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on. DOCTOR: Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise. Come along, Pond. Let's have a look.

Dani C

The Moffat era is such a different storytelling style to the previous RTD era. It's so dense - so many little things you don't connect until you rewatch the whole - there were a couple of things that hit me in this episode I have never spotted before. Just a couple of lines of dialogue that get called back to later. I won't be specific to avoid spoilers - I love Moffat's vision of the show. This first series in particular. The individual episodes vary in quality and there are odd missteps, but overall the series arc is such a well told story. I love pretty much all things Who, but the Moffat era will always be the height of it for me.


Moffat is Scotland's version of Joss Whedon, While RTD was more like J.J. Abrahams....... there is a "big bad", even the stand alone episodes are connected and this has been thought out for more then several episodes and @$43# in advance. There are layers upon layers upon layers, but it is also on the surface. You can obsess over every detail or you can go with the flow, again both ways you choose are correct and both ways work. Everything has changed, please remember to enjoy the ride because you only get to go through this the first time once and I am so envious of were you are right now.......Geronimo!!!!!!!!!


For the record you are going to figure all this out on your own. so all of us giving our "clever" little hints will only lead to spoilers, you already have some in here, so please either get monitors because we are children who need to be watched or stay away from your comment sections on here for a bit. It is only going to escalate.


you also could have just used the example of David Tenant in his final episode going to see Rose.

DJ Doena

Have to heavily disagree here. Moffat is similar Abrams in many regards. He sets up great arcs and mysteries well but then falls short of giving them a satisfying conclusion. Unfortunately, except for this season I don't like any conclusion to his season arcs.


you are speaking your preference over actual results, just because you personally do not like the conclusion of something does not make it an arc that falls short, it just means it did not go the way you preferred. You are not correct and unfortunately do to spoilers, I cannot go any further, but you know that. The vast majority of thing holds up with Moffat, the vast majority of thing holds up for Whedon, that can not be said for J.J Abrahams, you are allowed to feel how you feel about things, that is your right, but we can't debate your feelings, we can only debate what was placed on film and that holds up well, but that is the beauty of opinions. We are all entitled to ours.

DJ Doena

No I'm talking about things not making sense, not how I feel about them. Let's have that discussion after each season and I explain what I mean.


That sounds awesome, but again with me, you have to bring actual moments from the actual episodes of the actual show as your evidence. Again there is nothing anyone can do to debate someone's feelings on the episode, but I would find this beyond brilliant as a conversation and cannot wait. Thanks for the interaction and have a great and safe day.

michael moslin

Do I have a face that nobody listens to?again


30:35 Not different powers these Angels are proper Angels the ones the "Time Lords" talked about in "10's" last episode. The "Scavenger Angels" on Earth sent people back to feed because they were hungry, sending humans back and eating them is like Fast food on a budget. They only did that to survive, otherwise, they would have just killed everyone and moved on. The stuff oozing out of the "Crash of The Byzantium" is a 7- course meal created by Anthony Bourdain in a remote location of your choosing.....so "Angel Bob" would not stop by McDonalds for fries, even though everyone loves McDonald's fries, "Angel Bob" is fueling up on the "good stuff"......now I want McDonald fries, thanks a lot.


She was acting dumb though. She had just been told the angels were dangerous, and she'd seen the 4 second recording of the angel. Suddenly the recording changes and the angel turns TO HER. Even if she didn't realize it could be dangerous, why wouldn't she go tell the Doctor and River straight away?

Anna Hunt

I disagree about Amy. At this point, she has no reason to tell anyone. All she'd be saying is she has something in her eye. She had her eyes closed when the dust came out, she might have thought it was just a weird feeling. And with the TV, it was just weird. She doesn't know enough about the angels to think it could come out of the TV. Also, if I were the one with the Doctor, I'd want to be doing things. I don't think anyone would go on adventures just to sit in the TARDIS everytime it gets a bit dangerous. Good reaction!