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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Paul Fisher

To answer your question about the connection to the opening scene, it was meant to show us that Emma has longed for a home and family ever since she was a kid. As she later explained to Hook, the only time she really felt she had a home was the year in New York with Henry. She loves her parents but the fairy tale world is alien to her and she worries about the dangers that magic in Storybrooke might present to Henry. Also, she has spent her whole life running away whenever a place became dangerous or uncomfortable to her.

Paul Fisher

The other pirate is Blackbeard. I always found it odd that they included him in the Enchanted Forest since he was a real person. All the other characters are from fiction, whether it be fairy tales, mythology, or classic literature but to see a famous real person depicted seems to me to be alien to the "feel" of the story. It bothers me as much as if they encountered George Washington or Davy Crockett. But it's just a minor annoyance for me.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for this first episode within the two part season three finale!!! I absolutely love, love, love this episode!!!! And for me... like it is for most people, this two part finale is my favorite of all the finales throughout this show, while all the other finales come in pretty closely afterwards. I absolutely love how this finale is so centered around Hook and Emma, and while I have absolutely loved them both from the moments of their introductions... I love them both all the more together. Their chemistry together is beautiful and phenomenal!! And just above Snow's and Charming's chemistry, given that they're married in real life and their love story is very real... Hook's and Emma's chemistry, as much as I love Jennifer Morrison's and Colin O'Donoghue's chemistry, for me is the strongest shown between all the True Love couples throughout the entire series. :) First, in regards to your question about the title being Snow Drifts... It's because this episode takes the events from season one's third episode titled, Snow Falls, which is the first episode centered around Snow and Charming showing us how they first meet, and twists it in unforeseen ways the longer Emma and Hook remain within her parents' past and continue to alter their history. Charming's and Snow's love story drifts... hence the name change from Snow Falls to Snow Drifts. And in regards to your question about this episode being set up as part one of season three's finale instead of as the premiere of season four... it's because the events that occur within this episode and in Part Two, set up for the new major story arc coming in season four. You will come to understand in time. Now... my favorite moments throughout this episode are all the scenes between Hook and Emma of course. But more specifically... my absolute favorite moment is when they arrive at Midas' ball and share a beautiful waltz together. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. :) So beautiful and they both look fantastic! I love Hook's line to her just as they begin to dance... "There's only one rule... Pick a partner who knows what he's doing." Hook never misses an opportunity to flirt and to show off his smug, dashing smile. :) I love it!!! However, at the same time, he also does everything he can to try to prove to Emma just how strong and beautiful she is, and why he loves her. So beautiful. I can't express this enough. :) Also... I absolutely love Emma's and Hook's conversation in the park in Storybrooke after they leave the celebration at Granny's. I love that Hook follows after Emma to continue to try to convince her that her home is in Storybrooke with her family and loved ones... and I love that we can see on his face that he truly wishes he was one of those she would want to stay in town for. He's so sad, especially when he asks Emma... "Don't you even care about them, or anyone in this town?" Hook is genuinely sad. His expressions truly show his emotions once again, and I truly believe him in everything he says and does for Emma. Next... I really love the moment Hook uses his hook to try to prevent himself and Emma from falling through the time portal upon becoming caught within the portal's pull, then I love Hook letting go of his grasp to the ground so he can once again chase after Emma when she falls through despite his efforts. And I love his line in this moment too when he states, "One of these days, I'm gonna have to stop chasing this woman." It's very funny and a very Hook thing to say, but we also know that it's not true. Hook loves Emma too much and would chase after her to protect her no matter the circumstances. So perfect!! :) And then... I really, really love their time together in the Enchanted Forest where they confront Rumplestiltskin, face off against the past version of the villainous Hook who gets drunk, I love seeing Smee back again and him getting so confused by seeing Hook wearing two different vests when future Hook arrives aboard the Jolly Roger seeking to start Snow out on her quest to steal Charming's ring, then later when past Hook arrives too. Now... from the moment they fall through the time portal and arrive within Emma's parents' pasts, Killian keeps warning Emma not to change anything at the risk of ruining something that's meant to be. He warns her several times and unfortunately, Emma keeps messing things up in spite of his warnings. Not just with Emma accidentally keeping Snow and David from meeting and ruining their timeline, but when Emma also lets slip that Rumple eventually falls in love with Belle while in his castle too. And if that wasn't bad enough... Emma also attempts to stop the Evil Queen from imprisoning the woman in the forest until Hook stops her from doing so. Steven... you stated it was foolish of Emma to keep making these little mistakes by letting slip certain things about the future. And you're absolutely right. However, if you think back to the first half of season two, when Emma is trapped within the Enchanted Forest with Mary Margaret, Emma was very naive when it came to her having to live within a world unfamiliar to her. And yes... while she may have grown a lot since then and she understands magic more now than she did back then, she continues to hold onto that naivety and not just while in the Enchanted Forest, but even at home in Storybrooke, as she continues to question certain things about magic like when she questioned that the Wicked Witch of the West was real back in this season's episode, Witch Hunt. So, Emma making these slip ups isn't uncommon. It's a part of her naivety about magic and this life that she really doesn't want to be a part of any longer. I hope this makes sense to you. Also... I absolutely love that we were able to see Snow's and Charming's love story play out all over again throughout this episode too, with a few changes to how they fall in love this time around. Changes that include seeing past characters again such as Ruby, Kathryn/Abigail, King Midas, Geppetto and Pinocchio, Captain Black Beard, Granny, and of course the Evil Queen. And it's all so beautiful. However, I will admit that the first time I watched this finale, I was a little uncertain whether or not I liked the changes in their love story, only because I absolutely love their love story the way it was the first time around. Yet the more I've watched this finale, the more these changes have grown on me and the more I continue to love it all over again and again. Especially with Hook and Emma added into their love story. :) Like always... I love Rumplestiltskin throughout this episode as well. I love how Emma thinks about going to him for him after Hook becomes confused by the nods to Back to the Future and asks Emma if Marty McFly is some sort of wizard. It's absolutely brilliant, and hilarious!! And I love the moment Emma and Hook first confront him as Rumplestiltskin first appears to them outside of his castle unexpectedly. As well as the scene with them inside his castle, as Rumple tries to kill Hook until Emma stops him and saves Hook by telling Rumple the truth about being reunited with his son, then how Rumple continues to tease Hook about killing him and with Emma and Hook trying to explain Emma's mistakes in keeping her parents from meeting. I love these scenes so much!! As for the beginning before all the time travel shenanigans happen... I really enjoy the scene inside the sheriff's station as Rumple works his magic to delete himself from the surveillance footage when he killed Zelena. It's maddening, but it's part of what we love about Rumplestiltskin. He's just brilliant! Also... I love the scene between each of the heroes inside Granny's Diner as they're sharing Snow's and Charming's love story on how they met with their newborn son yet to be named. It's so cute. And it's what sets up everything that's to come, from why Emma and Hook wind up in her parents' past timeline, to how everyone finally learns about Emma's intentions to leave Storybrooke with Henry so they can return to New York... thanks to Hook's own slip up. I love it! I also enjoy the beginning scene between Rumple and Belle too, even though once again... Rumple is being conniving and I feel so badly for poor Belle, because she's completely in the dark. And unfortunately, even her father has come to forgive him after everything, at the worst possible time. And lastly... the very beginning scene with young Emma outside the orphanage is shown to remind us of Emma's past, especially since her feelings then are the same kind of feelings she struggling with currently. She has found her parents and they are happy... yes. However, Emma still doesn't feel like Storybrooke is her home. Right now, she's very lost and doesn't know what she wants, other than to be away from all things magical and a world of fairytales. This is all this opening scene was meant to convey. To show us another viewpoint of what Emma is currently feeling. Overall... I love, love, love this episode so much and I am so grateful for your reaction for it! I love Hook and Emma all throughout, and I love that reminds us of Snow's and Charming's love story in different ways. So beautiful. So thank you so much, Geeked Out Nation!! I am so excited for your reaction for the Part Two finale coming up next! It's another of my all time favorite episodes throughout all seasons along with Snow Drifts too. So, until then...