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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Allan Cornett

Thanks. The Faith arc continues. I have complained about the watch order, but thanks again for your reactions no matter the order. Watching along with your reaction is like sharing two of my favorite shows of all time with a new friend. I am high risk for the virus and this helps with the cabin fever. Be safe. This episode a 9 1/2.


I hope you’re doing okay. I’m lucky that I don’t qualify as high risk but I live alone in the middle of nowhere, so I can relate to the cabin fever. Stuff like this helps pass the time though!


This right here, I give a 10, a 10, Faith at the end all broken and vulnerable, Wesley coming out looking for Vengeance and to protect Angel and when he sees what he sees, he merely drops the knife. Angel taking it. The alleyway with the rain. The production wanted rain for the scene and could not afford it in the budget and it rained anyway and it rained like this in Southern California and it never rains in Southern California.......This is good stuff, good stuff. I am so jealous of your journey, please remember to enjoy the ride, you only get one chance to see this for the first time.


I was so excited to see this post! Unequivocally one of my top episodes for Angel, total 10 in my opinion too. I love the how the final scene mirrors the last scene she had with Buffy - beating herself up, calling herself "nothing" and "a disgusting, murderous bitch", and here, screaming that she's evil and begging for death. And the the parallels it establishes between Angel's history - hating what he is, trying to repress the pain his soul brings him and being unable to - never fails to blow me away. Plus, obviously, the acting. Eliza kills me here, and Alexis...jfc. I consider it one of the most pivotal episodes in terms of defining Wesley, and the character growth he's undergone and can undergo. Anyway, I was tremendously happy you enjoyed it! About to bounce into the next with great delight. Since it's already posted, I won't worry about spoiling you, but I'm mad curious how you responded to Wes' reaction in Sanctuary after thinking he dropped the knife out of compassion - personally, I adore his bitterness and anger, find it totally understandable, but I could be in a minority - and also what you think of the episode overall. (For me, the Faith/Angel/Wolfram&Hart/Wesley stuff is *way* better than the Buffy crossover bit, which irks me. I can't help feeling it's more than a little out of character for Buffy, but that's me.) Great reaction - thanks again! 😊


Faith didn't change. At the end of the episode Who Are You? on Buffy, Faith left realizing how evil she has gotten. Remember when she is punching Buffy in Faith's body she's calling herself disgusting, evil, and many other things but when they switched back, Faith took off still with that look on her face of how disgusted she is with what she has done. By the time she got to Angel, she felt there's no turning back. She wants to die so when she does hear of Angel from Lindsey and Lilah, she immediately volunteers because she knows he can do it. When she tortures Wesley, it's her trying to bait Angel into coming and killing her. She says he wasn't in the game and what she meant was he was not ready to kill her yet so she will take more drastic measures to push him to that point. Great episode, a 10.


I love how you dissected this episode, there is a reason that the slayer guide is the way it is.


I also saw a little bit of the Angel vs Buffy at the end of season 2, you are spot on about Wesley, excellent comment, it was but remember this was the idea of both shows to go the more independent route and they may have rushed it a bit.


One last thing I love how Angel was allowed to enter the apartment because of "Nature", the fact that Faith beat that man down made it "Law of the Jungle", Faith's by combat and she had already extended it or Angel went to the Hospital and got permission, viewers choice.


This is my all time favorite Angel episode. I’ve seen it almost a hundred times and I still get teary eyed at Faith’s breakdown at the end. Everything about that scene is perfect; the acting, the music, the framing. Just amazing.

Nica Marie

I've never heard or seen anyone mention this before but, the use of Rob Zombie's "Living Dead Girl" as the song playing during Faith's bar fight speaks directly to her state of mind. Faith basically feels she IS a living dead girl.


This episode is definitely one of my favorites of Angel. It's really character driven and those do tend to be my favorites of any series. As for phantom Dennis, the ghost, I take it that as a ghost he's probably limited on what he can do. Might only have a certain amount of energy he can use to physically alter anything, so he used it to try to keep Cordy and Wes out of the apartment, but he probably couldn't continue on like that since he lacks a physical form. Considering the type of person he was, it seems likely he would have done more if he could have. The point was that he is a decent ghost and did want to try to help and did what he could do. I always imagine that he might have done a few things to try to mess with Faith and get her out of the apartment before Cordelia showed up, but failed and may have expended some energy on that when he realized she was up to no good. (Yeah I know that isn't said or even implied, it's just my head canon. lol). The parallels between Angel and Faith are really good, his past self also hated himself and thought of himself as an evil monster and did reckless things to try to get killed so he could recognize that self loathing in Faith and knew just what she was after. I also love how Wes was a stand up guy and even after being tortured by Faith he recognized that she is really a troubled girl who needs help. He could have still tried to stab her but he didn't.


You're so right. I was shocked Passion of the Nerd didn't mention it. It's perfect.

Allan Cornett

His dissection of one reason is flawed. Watching in the normal order there are two episodes of Angel after Faith leaves Sunnydale so the Faith arc wasn't continued immediately on Angel and so three weeks would have passed by watching one episode a week.


in your opinion, in reality there was a different break for each show in it's original run, look your issues with the Slayer-guide are your issues, you saw by the Reactors reaction how well this worked out, this is not your journey, we are watching his journey and it should be one that works for the best level of his excitement and he gave it a 10 and told you why he liked the time between as it help to build the Riley/Buffy relationship, which gave the ending more oomph which was the point of why they did it and you know what is coming and yet you are still doing this. It worked for the Reactor, why not sit back and try and enjoy the ride, instead of trying to control the ride, but again it is as always, your choice.


Number 1 and Top3 Wow? with all that has happened? that is interesting and shows just how these episodes have meaning to people. I am not here to disagree, this is in my opinion a "10" episode, but in my "opinion" these two shows have about 57 of those, between them....so Top 3's are always interesting to hear.


I would consider Faith going from thinking that Buffy was her enemy who destroyed her life to ackowledging that she's done horrible things a huge change. Where she goes from there was a question mark. This episode shows that you can't do it alone.


@Alan, in this episode, Angel says that Giles informed him that Faith left "about a week ago." The internal timelines of the two shows can be difficult to track when they both had different broadcast hiatuses of varying lengths. I don't know why you keep harping about this when Steven seems happy with the watch order, and that's all that matters.


I guess it's okay to say it now, but "Eternity" was the episode that made the writers realize that the show is more interesting when they focus on our main characters. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was not interested in Rebecca’s storyline in that episode, even though it paralleled Angel feeling trapped by Angelus and Angel’s past, but that’s not new. Here, we don’t even see Cordy’s vision or know anything about Marquez, but Angel trying to help him sets up the theme of whether someone can change, and it deepens the antagonism of Wolfram & Hart. It’s also different because Faith is a major Buffyverse character who has history with all our main characters, and Angel’s flashbacks directly relate to what Faith is currently experiencing. As a first time viewer, Faith’s actions confused me at first until I noticed that Angel was not fighting back, and Faith was attacking him with metal or her fists, not wood. Then the scene in the alley where she’s begging him to kill her is absolutely heart-wrenching — and an excellent performance by Eliza. To this day, it’s one of my very favorite Angel scenes.


I literally threw my arms up in the air and screamed, "YES!!!" when he gave this episode a 10. I have been waiting for this episode since I became a supporter back in August. :-D :-D :-D

Steve Quast

This is hands down one of the best episodes of the season. Definitely 10 material (or at least a very strong 9). I like how the Angel flashbacks tie in to Faith finally having what could be the beginning of a redemption arc.

Phoenix Dawn

Such a fantastic episode, the ending always makes me tear up!

Allan Cornett

I am just expressing my disappointment. What matters is that the majority is ok with the current format. The whole process doesn't seem to improve the experience. Stay safe.


I also love getting more details about Angelus's ensoulment. Darla brought him the Romani girl. The Romani curse made Angel/us suddenly remember every person he had ever hurt in vivid detail. That's a powerful curse, and it helps enlighten Angel's "brooding," which is often dismissed as being rather self-indulgent.

Steve Quast

Yeah, the curse was meant to make him suffer and I'm sure creating a brooding nature in Angel was one of its effects. From what little we've seen of his pre-vampire life, he definitely wasn't a brooder back then, even though he wasn't exactly a model human being.

Launa Sorensen

One of the things that always gets me in this one (because I didn’t put it together on the first watch) was Faith getting an adrenaline rush when Angel shot a blank at her. I assumed she was actually playing Russian Roulette and didn’t know where the bullet was. Because Angel could have shot her twice or if she shot and it was also a blank he could have attacked her. It would be a really easy way to try to get Angel to unintentionally kill her.


I get your point now, I may not agree, but I get your point. Stay Safe as well and again I apologize for being so adamant in my responses and will work on it in the future. Stay safe.

Daniel R

Angel becomes awesome once Faith shows up :)

Ray D

Faith has always had a lot of bluster and over the top confidence but that is all an act to cover up the low self esteem and low opinion of herself. She has convinced herself that she is worthless so she is living reckless and not caring about anything. Faith has never been shown affection or love in her life. You can see her reacting to a Joyce hugging her (in Buffy’s body) in the second part of the Buffy two parter. That sort of love makes her uncomfortable. That’s why she was so loyal to the Mayor. He showed her love. At the end of the Buffy episode, living in Buffy’s body gave her a new perspective on things. But when she gets her body back she goes back to believing that she is beyond redemption, was bad, and not worth saving. Thats why we see The Angel and Darla flashbacks in this one where Angel goes from bad to good and how he can’t deal with it. The parallel between Angels long path to redemption and faiths mean that the two characters have a lot in common. That final scene makes me tear up every time without fail. It’s so beautiful with the rain and faiths emotions and Angel hugging her. Man. So great