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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Yeah I agree with you, an this episode is probably on of the worst in season 1. I would say that season 1 has a charm but is for me the worst season. It gets so much better so I can't wait til you react to the other seasons. Great reaction, keep it up!

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

You must've missed this in the first episode, but Sandy touched a kid in the first episode, that's why he was fired and not allowed near children.


This is one of my least favorite episodes of the show. It honestly adds nothing to the story. The Mercedes/Kurt stuff was the best part of the episode. Loved Kurt coming out to her.


I agree with you about Finn’s voice and him being the male lead of the club. I don’t hate his voice, but I was never that impressed by it either, or his leadership skills for that matter. I always felt like he was shoehorned into the position (*cough* because he was an able-bodied straight white male) and his talent was overrated. By Rachel especially, who was so enamored of him that she saw him as being greater than he actually was and overlooked better singers in the club. Like Artie for example. Not saying Artie is leadership material, but he is way better singer than Finn and Rachel just completely dismissed the idea of him “keeping up with her vocally” in the pilot. Finn has to be continuously pushed by others to step up and lead and participate in things that might hurt his precious reputation, because he’s actually really insecure and scared of what other people think of him, especially other guys. I realize that just makes him an ordinary guy, but that’s my point.

Stephanie Bedworth

Finn's voice is fine but that's all it is. Just fine.


Finn’s voice grows over the years tbh. He gets better every season. I’m not a huge fan of it, but it is Cory’s actual voice so I feel weird being critical lol. The show trying to act like he’s the best male singer though is false. Artie/Puck are both technically better singers than him. The only reason why Finn is the lead is because he is a white straight, able-bodied man. Also, I feel like people say the later seasons are better because they focus on other characters besides the select few they do in season 1. I’m one of the few in fandom who LOVES season 1. It’s the best season in my opinion writing wise and the show didn’t take itself too seriously back then. The later seasons are more entertaining and have more mainstream songs, but season 1 will always hold a special place in my heart. Season 1 is also loads better than season 4/5/6 imo.


He’s far from my fave singer on the show, but I think Kurt is also a technically better singer, because he can do more with his voice than Finn can. Finn didn’t have that much range. His voice was suited for rock because it had this raw, raspy quality to it, but Puck could do rock even better. I have loved songs that Finn was featured heavily on, but I could take or leave most of his solos.

Megan Burland

am i the only one that actually likes finns voice lol