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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Kelsey Roberts

Lmfao. Bruh. You can't say he whines too much. How about we break both your legs and then your dominant arm, and then see how you sound while you drag your body using your other arm.


You seem to be pretty down on yourself about the name stuff, it's ok to struggle with foreign names. So if people are giving you crap about it ignore them, if it's you putting it on yourself, relax a bit. Most of the secondary characters will end up having hero code names like All Might and that might help you a bit.


I mean, he does whine *a lot* in these first few episodes, but agreed that the time it is most justified isn't a great time to whine about his whining. But if being a little tactless is just cause to break someone's limbs to prove a point then the anime fandom is screwed.

Kelsey Roberts

I mean, I wasn't offering to literally break his limbs. He's just watching an anime. He hasn't hurt anyone. Lol. I am just saying, as a way to empathize, imagine being in Deku's place. The phrase I used was more metaphorical than literal.

Kelsey Roberts

I saw and now I feel icky about it. I stand by my comment, but I left another because I don't want to discourage him from watching. I pay for this membership just to watch his reactions.


I'm sure he'll be fine. He's anxious right now, but he'll mellow out and take things in stride more and more as he goes.


Izuku will whine throughout the show it doesn’t start to become less until further down the rode cause they are growing into themselves. They are kids being trained for a dangerous job. Like you had said he had been bullied for being quirkless basically his whole life, his mother felt bad for him , and Bakugou was his best friend turned tormenter. Now he’s met all might and is going to U A emotions are all over. No one can expect him to suddenly grown into an adult within an episode cause that’s not reality they have to go through trial and error to grow and that’s character development. Just like in real life it takes months even years to grow and fix your emotions. Also him upset about the point thing, of course he’s upset I wouldn’t say it’s whining cause he’s genuinely upset cause he feels like he let everyone down that helped him. I don’t want to be harsh or anything honestly I enjoy your reaction to mha but please take into consideration that characters need to be developed and that takes time you shouldn’t judge an episode on the characters being upset. :) Again really enjoyed the episode.

Tammy L. Faulkner

No, not all Anine have characters that CRY... Izuku CRYs because he's an emotional character. Naruto is the opposite, if he cried it would be for something huge. Naruto keeps his emotions bottled up while Deku let's it out. Since I can't seem to find any anime I'm not sure what other show your watching. Most anime I've seen they're not whining... there tough cookies. This is the biggest thing about MHA people complain about, Deku crying too much... just gonna have to look past the tears and see what the rest of it has to bring. Like the fact that the creator based it off of Star Wars. That's really crazy to me. Plus Izukus costume reminds me so much of a certain Naruto character I LOVE.

Thomas Gabriel White

If you were judging the characters decreasing points for annoying character traits is fine, but decreasing the score of the episode because of a problem with a character is unreasonable. When reviewing something you should take into account every single aspect of it: the story, the characters, the character interaction, the character development, dialogue and/or monologue, visuals, continuity, realism(not always applicable). There are so many aspects to a story and only focusing on one thing(tunnel vision) will make you miss all the other details that make it so good.