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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Thanks!!! Needed this today. Can't wait to watch it!


Annnd cant wait for the season finale!... hopefully sooner rather than later :D

Fredrik IB

Did you forget Chuck, btw? The latest reaction for Chuck came 8th of March, whereas 13th of March for Psych: Love this episode, though! EDIT: I see you've now uploaded it. Nevermind! :)


At the end you said you dont give this show 10's, you have before, can't remember if just once or maybe twice but you have. But more than that, you will give 10's in the future as well


I mean I cant remember which one I have given a 10 to but this episode was right on the edge of 10 if not a 10


Great Reaction. Please upload the finale as soon as possible. Trust me Psych only gets better from now on!

Katherine Thoreson

I don't know if you remember, but Camp Tikihama was first brought up in episode 9 of this season, Bounty Hunters. They have a guy accused of murder hiding out at Shawn's dad's and the guy tells Henry that he was a counselor for the Shawn and Gus at the camp. Henry asks him to sing the camp song, and the song you hear in the opening of this episode is what they guy sang. Personal note, my sister got me a Camp Tikihama metal mug for Christmas. :D And Iago is not only the parrot from Aladdin, but also a character in Shakespeare's Othello. You may remember a class discussion on the play in the Buffy episode, Earshot.

Cindy Lou

The Camp Tikihama thing is one of my favorite threads of this show.

inga lola

The last moment where 3 of them staring over the lake is homage to Twin Peaks


Craziest killer we’ve had....oh just wait for the next episode. You haven’t seen anything yet


I bet next episode will get a 10


This is such a special episode of Psych! It's the first episode that's a true homage and there are plenty more to come - ll equally fantastic. Plus, this is James Roday's directorial debut.

Ted Cali

I was getting concerned we were all overhyping next week’s episode, but... nah, it’s worth the hype. If it’s not a ten, the system is rigged and we riot. XD But yeah, this one was an easy 10 for me, one of my favorites from the series, but I’m absolutely biased. There’s the obvious Friday the 13th reference, but this episode gets better the more you watch it for all of the subtle references they cram in there. “Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?” is just flexing. And while I can agree that Lassie’s scenes are a little incongruent with the tone of the rest of it, I love them. It’s really the cherry on top of a face turn that’s been coming since the first season.

Reef Sami

Oh god I cannot wait for episode 16 its one of the best of the bests

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I cannot WAIT for the next one!! That's probably my all time favourite episode. But it's got lots of competition to be honest


my favorite episode of chuck ;)


I grew up on Psych and watched the whole series multiple times because my older siblings love Psych as well so the first time I watched it I was actually when I was around 7-8 years old. It's safe to say I was scared of going near the woods for about 2 weeks straight after seeing this ep which was bad because our house is surrounded by it. That mop scene was the one that always freaked me out the most when I was little.