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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




no Stefan/Elena/Damon are not a love triangle, they are THE love triangle. people are arguing to this day which pairing works better. as you could see in this episode: Damon has a soft spot for Elena, because as she has proven before she is trying to understand him and supports him and Damon doesn't get that a lot. Also, Stefan and Damon are vastly different in pretty much everything and that makes it exciting to watch.

Janeka Rector

I think there's a more powerful love story at work but I'll hold of sharing that until we get further into the series.

Daniel R

is it Damon/Elena/Stefan or is it Damon/Katherine or Elena/Stefan?


Thus the small seeds of a potential love triangle are planted in the minds of the viewer. I love this episode for many reasons, Stefan's story, because it isn't until this episode that your realize that he's no Edward Cullen. I like the seed planting of Delena and Jeremy and Anna becoming friends again. Plus Bonnie is back. So happy Caroline won the pageant. Damon is the anti-hero of the show. Great reaction. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Daniel R

I can't believe you're 3 episodes away from Season 2!! I'm gonna continue sponsoring until you pick the show up as part of your regular routine, then maybe I'll sponsor something else.. hmm...


I think I know what you mean - the true love story at the heart of the show that will always trump the others


I don't think Damon actually hates Stefan because he wanted Katherine to himself... The way I see it, Damon knows that Stefan being turned by Katherine is out of Stefan's control because he was compelled. Since Stefan feels guilt for forcing this life on Damon and all the pain he has caused as a result of it, I think Damon was trying to take the guilt away by pretending he hates him because of the Katherine thing rather than the turning. Thus, Stefan can't feel guilt for Damon's pain if Damon claims his pain to be because of something out of his control. Confusing, I know, but it works with the psychology of Damon, who is notorious for pretending he doesn't care. Plus, Damon does hint at that a few moments prior to shifting the blame.


Damon.....BEST Vampire ever!! Welcome to the real reason Stefan can't drink human blood.

Ryan Pulliam

I know exactly what you mean and because of that love story it makes this one of my favorite shows of all time