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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Leora Nechama

I like how honest Chloe is with her daughter telling her she shot Lucifer. Trixie said "again?" so she didn't lie about it before either.


i think this episode is what this show kinda is. Show is so enjoyable to watch just because of the main story and acting that it keeps it good while the cases are usually average. But really enjoyable, cant wait to see more :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love how Lucifer is so naive to what love really is. Both romantic love and familial love as well, since he's not close to his brothers and sisters (Amenadiel and other angels) and because his father (God) cast him down into Hell as punishment for his rebellion and forced him to rule over Hell. As the devil, he has lived for centuries and centuries down in Hell and therefore he's been forced to punish those who come into his world after they die. Tom Ellis' acting is brilliant no matter how he acts throughout these episodes, but I especially love how fascinated he is by the things that he doesn't understand because of who he is and how he was raised. It's brilliant!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I also really love how Lucifer isn't at all the typical devil we've read about or have seen in other shows and movies. That he's not all evil like the devil is believed to be. I love how he actually has feelings and he is more good than evil in spite of him being the King of Hell. This show is brilliant!

DJ Doena

Yeah, this Lucifer is neither the incarnation of evil itself. Bur nor is he the seducer in the sense of "your soul for a favor" as portrayed in Goethe's Faust or (more current) in Supernatural with the crossroad demons. This Lucifer was just banned to hell (for insubordination) to punish sinners while not being unfair ("He deserves the clap, not being murdered!") nor trying to lure people into hell (as was the suspicion of Delilah in the pilot).