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Hey everyone, I was only able to record a few shows today I had to go to the hospital because I have been feeling really out of it still and extremely weak. 


My brother recorded a few more shows today but I told him to hold off on releasing them until I recorded mine. That was before I went to the hospital. Won't be able to record tonight but If you want me to release his video reactions I can. 

Sorry again.

Sorry for misspelling I'm on a lot of medication right now. 



omg, sorry to hear this. Get some rest ❤️


Get some rest. Wouldn't mind your brothers reactions in the meantime. Hope u feel better soon.

Catherine Thurmond

Whatevers easiest for you. You concentrate more on you then us right now. Get Well Soon.💜


Most important thing is to get well. We're still here. ❤️


That's balls... tell me its not the Corona virus. At least the medication sounds solid.


Take care of yourself. Get well soon.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I’m so sorry. I truly hope you feel better. Take care of yourself. Sincerely, Heidi


Get well soon, Steven.


Take care of yourself, Steven. Don't worry about the videos. We'll still be here once you're better.


Don't worry about it man, take care of yourself!

Donell Robbins

Hope everything is ok and you get good news from the doctor just Get better


Please don’t worry. Sounds scary and we’re thinking good thoughts for you!! ✨✨


Please take care of yourself. Take time off and just sleep for a few days. Give your body a break. Hope you feel better soon.

Janet Daurity

Sooooo sorry to hear you are sick! Get well! Rest and fluids, take that from a grandma!


I hope you get some rest and get better. Thanks for the update. :)

Valencia Lanier

I really hope you get better. Take care of yourself.

Tarot Discombe

You're young and strong, if it's the Corona flu you'll be fine cause the media is hyping up the fear, it's not that big a deal, I know someone that has had it, they were in their mid 30's and they got over it in a few weeks without medication as it is just a flu, I really hope that it's not something worse but you're at hospital and they will do everything they can to make you better, you'll be up and dancing in no time :} And don't push yourself, if you need to rest then rest, we can wait. You didn't make a single spelling mistake either :} xx

Steve Quast

Take care of yourself first and foremost. There's no need to apologize. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I hope you feel better soon.

Kayla Waters

You’re what’s important, not the videos. There’s no pressure, do what you gotta do. Sending love your way ❤️


Hope you get better soon! Just take care of yourself and don't worry about us at all 💗


Hope you're okay!


jesus man im so sorry. id love to see your brothers reaction in the meantime, but you just focus on getting better

Hans Olav

Don't worry man! You're already pushing out videos left and right and we all know you do what you can, Please feel better and watch your health.


Take care of yourself and don't stress about uploads. Take the time you need to rest and heal or it could get worse if you push yourself too much too fast.

Henry from CO

He's sick and yet he finds time for an update. You gotta like this guy. Hope he feels better soon.

Mariella Nilsson

Please rest totally until you are well again!!!


Dude, REST! Health always comes first and we'd rather have you react when you're at your best than when you're out of it, anyway! So take care of yourself!

Ali Jacome

Take care of yourself first. When we say good bye to a job where we have been for a lot of years and is stressful, at the beginning we are fine, then all our body needs to let go of that stress that was waiting inside us. So the defenses are low and that's when everything strikes! So take care of yourself, relax, and let your body heal.

Joel Nordlander

Just take it easy. There's no point in pushing through when you're ill even if you feel an obligation to your patrons and subscribers, that'll result to it taking an even longer time for you to get back to 100%. We'll be here when you get back, just rest.

Marissa Brady

i'm so sorry!! I really hope you feel better. please keep updating on how you're doing though. I've had that happen to me. I was fine all last year and then by the time November hit I got smacked with everything! I also wound up going to the hospital too. It was happening to frequently and I could not get rid of it. Please just take care of your self.

Stephanie Bedworth

I'll be sending you all the good get well vibes I can!

Dani C

Sounds like it's really hit you hard - don't worry - we'll be here when you're ready to get back to it, but dont feel like you have to rush. Hope you're feeling better soon:)

Abbie C

I'm happy your going to hospital, it may be nothing but best to be safe. I hope you get well soon.


get well soon, man