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Howdy ladies and gents, so my brother has one free day available and was curious what would all would want to see him do on that additional day. So he can either do a movie reaction or 2 additional TV show reactions.

So my brother has only over the past few years started getting into film and TV so he has missed a lot of shows and movies. For context he has never seen Jaws, Back to The Future, Alien, Saving Private Ryan, Ghostbusters and a whole lot more. His movie knowledge is very limited especially with movies before the 2010s.

So the questions I will ask here and on YouTube is would you want to see him do a weekly Movie Reaction that you would vote on every week or would you rather see him do reactions for one of these shows?



Is that the (US) Shameless or the real one? (UK)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Out of these choices... definitely movie reactions. And I would love to see your brother's reactions for the Back to the Future Trilogy first. :)

Mike Watkins

Movies are my preferred choice. But for shows, I think Grimm. The show is probably the best alternative to Supernatural out there. Would be pretty cool to see both here.


Man I hope you watch Travelers! It's not the most popular option, but it's such an underrated and amazing show! I think you would really enjoy it.

Dani C

Agents of Shield, hands down


I would love to see him react to grimm


Definitely movies! But I wouldn't mind reactions to Grimm either :)


Do all the Harry Potter franchise together!! Movie Reactions!


Grimm. It’s underrated and I haven’t seen many people reacting to it. Agents of Shield is great too. Glee takes a certain sarcastic sense of humor to enjoy, or you have to be really into music and musicals, otherwise don’t bother.


If he does movie reactions, I hope he’s already seen a lot of the big blockbuster franchise movies (Marvel, HP, Star Wars, etc), cuz I’m more interested in seeing reactions to different kinds of movies.

Paul Fisher

If he wants to do movies, I'd vote for starting with the one that always makes the top 5 list of greatest movies ever made (and is often number one on many lists, including mine): "Casablanca."


Anything you want Steven. Just as long as I get your reactions to Doctor Who and Prison Break this week. 😂

Mariella Nilsson

Movies! i hope it is allot of different types of movies! And allot of Classics!

Nica Marie

Ooh, please movie reactions! I have suggestions. Growing up in the 80s, when cable began, I watched a LOT of movies. So, yeah, I am super stoked for movie reactions.


I'm just wondering if there is a way to sort them separately, so there's one feed for your reactions and one for your brother's?


I'm not seeing a tag for that. Maybe I'm missing something.

Valencia Lanier (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:44:06 All three Back to the Future movies and the Original Ghostbusters 1 & 2!!!! 🤗
2020-03-10 22:26:56 All three Back to the Future movies and the Original Ghostbusters 1 & 2!!!! 🤗

All three Back to the Future movies and the Original Ghostbusters 1 & 2!!!! 🤗


My movie knowledge is limited too , so I’m excited to see movies ik I’ve never seen :)