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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Hope you’re feeling better😊


James Holden was born and raised by an 8 person polyamorous marriage. He has 8 parents and unlike real life polycules, in this sci-fi world all 8 were able to contribute genetically to his creation. So he is actually blood related to all of his parents. For me, it's one of the more fascinating parts of Jim's backstory. It's assumed by people outside his family that he was conceived only as a tax break or as a scam to get around Earth's government restrictions on land rights. Having one child among the 8 of them allowed them to own a massive bit of farmland that otherwise wouldn't have been possible. I imagine it's a bit more complicated than that but up to this point the season/show hasn't dived too deep into Jim's backstory. As I haven't read the books, I guess we'll have to wait and see if they ever do. The show mentioned it briefly back in ep 3 when he was being interrogated by that Martian soldier Lopez.

Paul Fisher

I enjoyed your reaction nd hope you feel better soon. It's been so long since you watched the last episode that I think you may have forgotten a few things. The spy isn't new; we saw him in the last episode. He doesn't work for Fred Johnson. Chrisjen pressured the spy's real employer to let the UN use him to spy on Holden. We saw him watching Jim and Naomi in the bar on Tycho Station and using the implant in his eye to transmit his observations to Earth. Also in that episode we learned that Fred Johnson supplied the Scopuli, which was the ship Julie Mao was aboard when the OPA sent it to intercept the Anubis which was en route from Phoebe to Eros. The Scopuli was destroyed by the same mysterious ship which destroyed the Canterbury and the MCRN Donnager. Fred Johnson had Holden file a flight plan that was ostensibly taking the Rocinante to Eros but in reality was just a cover to go the coordinates of the small asteroid they found at the end of this episode. That asteroid was the last known location of the OPA operative using the code name "Lionel Polanski" who survived the destruction of the Scopuli. Miller is aboard a transport ship going to Eros because the short-range shuttle from the Anubis is docked there and he knows Julie was on the Scopuli to intercept the Anubis. I hope that helps. Here's a picture of the real Eros: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/asteroids-comets-and-meteors/asteroids/433-eros/in-depth/

Paul Fisher

The title of this episode, "Windmills," was yet another reference to Cervantes' "Don Quixote." We saw that Holden's mother had a printed copy and she said it was Holden's favorite book as a boy.That is why he chose the name "Rocinante" for the ship - it was the name of Don Quixote's horse. This show is full of references to Don Quixote, who was known for tilting at windmills. Holden was behaving like Don Quixote when he wouldn't let Amos kill the Martians. By choosing his ideals over a practical solution, Holden is tilting at his own windmills. Also the title of the first episode was "Dulcinea," which was the name of the woman Don Quixote loved. Julie could be seen to be Miller's Dulcinea.

Alexis Cardarella

Sooo happy to see these reactions! Do feel better... I hope you’re not overloading yourself.