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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Great reaction David! Glad you love Fez and you'll warm up to Jackie soon lol and everyone in the show is pretty funny. This show gets better as it goes, so I can't wait to see you react to the rest!


Omg, I laughed so hard my side literally started hurting at that part where Kelso’s imagination edited all those things Eric’s sister said into her coming onto him. Classic 🤣🤣🤣 I love this show. It’s probably my favorite sitcom ever, even above Friends and The Big Bang Theory. I think that’s because it’s really trippy and it does all these special scenes from characters’ imaginations (and even when they aren’t high what they imagine is always hilarious!). Also Jackie becomes my absolute favorite character, but she is a little hard to take at first. A big part of her personality is that she’s this annoying spoiled brat, but it becomes more endearing as the show goes on. Also Mila Kunis’ acting gets way better. This was the very first thing she ever acted in. She was only 14 when the show started (so kind of weird to watch her make out with Ashton and they have both said in interviews that it was weird for them, but it is what it is, and they are married in RL now so...)


Thanks so much. I feel like this show must have been so fun to make. :)