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I have had a fever and the shakes for past two days. That is why I have only recorded a few videos the past few days and the shows I record with my brother I havnt done either. The lights in my room give me a headache and make me burn up and sweat. I apologize. I am going to emergency room to make sure what I have is not something more serious. I havnt felt this way in a long long time if ever. I will try to record as much as I can once I feel better.

I appreciate those who are understanding but I also understand and am sorry to those who have been waiting for shows that I have not done in a long time.


Signe (Seena) Stewart

Feel better, mate. I hope it's nothing serious! Sounds like what I have.. my kids were down with the flu for a few days, but they had the decency to get better by the time I started suffering symptoms. Nothing worse than being really poorly without being able to let yourself be poorly. Feel better!


Hope you feel better soon. It seems like many people have the flu right now and I hope it is nothing more serious than that. Will gladly wait for you to feel better before making more reactions for us to enjoy.


Call the ER first Steven, especially if you have a fever. Hope you start feeling better soon cuz feeling awful is well, awful- we’ll be here. Being a patreon means supporting our creators when they are in rough times as well as good times. 💞

Mariella Nilsson

Just take care ofyourself! And it is nice that your brother has dones so many videos! Don’tstress, focus on getting well!


Oh no. Feel better soon!

Amanda S

Wow, sounds serious. Hope you are feeling better soon. Get lots of rest if you can, I think that helps a lot.

Tarot Discombe

I have had the flu aswell, it's been like a week, maybe more and have been coughing, being sick, fever but also freezing and ever since I was a kid I seem to have trouble breathing when I cough too much so of course I thought it was something worse but it's fading away slowly these past couple days, it can feel like it could be something serious but there is more chance it isn't and just a bad bug, if you get ill a lot a bug that affects someone badly can affect you terribly and if you don't get ill much it can also affect you terribly cause your body isn't used to it, but it is probably just a bad bug, you'll be fine :}


Hope you're feeling better soon!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope feel better quickly once the doctors can give you something for whatever’s ailing you. Take care of yourself, and don’t worry about us. Your health comes first. Get well. Sincerely, Heidi

Valencia Lanier

Dude be safe out there. Don’t worry. Take care of yourself.


dont sweat it! we’re loving your brother! im all over his new girl and parks and rec reactions! you just focus on getting better. none of us are going anywhere! Just take your time, i care more that your healthy than getting a new reaction, and im sure all the other patrons feel the same way - Allison

Janet Daurity

Oh my goodness! Prayers

DJ Doena

We'll be here when you come back. Get better soon :-)


Good luck and fingers crossed you're okay.

Crystal Laherrere

Feel better. I would rather you take time off and come back your lively smiling self then sacrifice your health just for a video. Lots of rest and fluids and hopefully in a few days you will feel like your old self.

Dani C

Hope you feel better soon!


Oh gosh I hope you feel better. I'm glad you're taking it seriously.

Cindy Lou

Feel better soon!


Definitely don't worry about recording and uploading. Take care of yourself and just rest, drink plenty of fluids, and don't worry about anything else.

Janet Daurity

Oh, man, we love you!!