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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Allan Cornett

I was wondering when this would show up. A performance by Sarah that should’ve been award winning

Tarot Discombe

About to watch but God! Knowing I'm about to watch Faith have that scene with Riley, the internal struggle she's having, the abusive relationships she's had in the past, the sub text of Kakistos raping her watcher always comes back to me when I see it, just an amazing episode

Phoenix Dawn

I love this arc so much!

Phoenix Dawn

Bathtub scene wasn't sexual, it was Faith exploring her new body, she just didn't know her new body.


I don't know if you noticed but Riley says, "I love you" to buffy AKA Faith after they made love and that is what triggered Faith to freak out... Also, the network that Buffy was on at the time didn't want any scenes of 2 girls kissing and so they had to be creative and used Tara and Willow doing magic as a subtext to sex... So you are right in that you felt some sexual messages happening between them.


One of my top Buffy episodes, and your reaction was *chef's kiss*! I nearly died laughing at your expression during the Faith/Spike scene, that hanging jaw dude. 😂😂😂 Regarding that scene, I personally have always found it really interesting that Faith *didnt* choose to sleep with Spike. Angry as he was, he was obviously also aroused, and Faith had to have known how screwed up it would be to use Buffy's body to sleep with a soulless vampire. She stopped slaying and functioned beside them with no complaints when working for the Mayor, so you'd think it wouldnt be an issue for her personally; the fact that she chose not to go there speaks to me, and keeps in perfect theme with the episode - Faith's deeply buried humanity. The acting in this. Eff me up, man. Like, idk if you ever rewatch the better episodes on your own, but if you do with this one, pay particular attention to Sarah and Eliza's speech patterns. Sarah's subtle Bostonian accent and Eliza's lackadaisical SoCal drift in words/sentences is truly amazing, plus obviously the body language they used to mimic each other. I see someone's already accurately commented above on the subtext of sex in the spellwork between Willow and Tara, so I won't go into that (even though I love it). But as for the Riley/Faith thing, yeah - it's less anger than it is just weirdness and hurt that Faith did that, and that Riley couldn't tell the difference - although I think Buffy knows how unreasonable that is. I agree the Adam stuff was...well, pointless, except that it leads to the church takeover so Faith can come in and say "because it's wrong" and mean it. But in an otherwise flawless episode, that irritation is so negligible that I barely even care that it's there. Again, loved your reaction! Can't wait for the next!

Alexis Cardarella

“Tana” lol Omg, Steven, you are the worst with names. I remember when you used to call Cordelia Cornelia 😆

Alexis Cardarella

I’d also like to think think she had realized she had violated Buffy’s body (if not also realizing she did the same to Riley)


Buffy!! Love that Spike/ Faith scene your reaction was priceless lol


I was looking forward to this one, and I wasn't disappointed. I don't have anything really to add that hasn't already been said better by others. But I will say that Tara is a witch and has been one longer than Willow has, and Willow knows this so I don't think she would be surprised that Tara can read auras and things like that. I do think a Faith spin off would have been awesome and I would totally have been down for that. And yeah, the show does tend to have a lot of sexual subtext going on and some episodes display it more prominently, like in the actual context front and center. Faith has always been that kind of girl who uses sexuality to play around and so her acting that way makes sense. Tara and Willow definitely seem to have a thing going on there, so that also makes sense. I too thought the bathroom scene was a bit odd. Even if it was Faith just trying to get to know her new body, it did feel a bit sexual and wrong. Anyone 'exploring' someone else's body without permission is going to feel that way, even if they happen to be in that body, at least that's my feelings on the matter. And now that I've happily marathoned through a few of your reactions, I should try that sleep thing.

Shauni Livingstone

There was going to be a faith spin off but she got another role in tru calling instead. I love the scene when riley says I love u and faith says "what do you want from her" it's like shes so used to ppl using her that she was worried riley was saying those words to use buffy and she was worried about her. The acting by both women was so good as each other


This was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" laying down the gauntlet and showing that they could handle much heavier fair. This was them showing they were not in High School anymore. hahahaha, how many "Tana's" do you know? hahahahaha, it is Tara. Brilliant reaction.......


I love how SMG sits, and talks like Faith. She adds the Boston accent from time to time, sits legs spread, talks with an air of sexuality behind her comments. Pretty much everything Faith says is shrouded in sexuality... even when she's talking to the Mayor, until he puts an end with that saying he's a family man. The only issue I have with this episode, and I think this happens pretty commonly in body swap episodes, is that they sort of use the template of the character from the first time they were seen. SMG as Faith feels very much like Faith in her first episode (outside of the evil) and Eliza as Buffy feels more like Buffy season 1 than Buffy season 4 to me. It's barely a critique though, as I think SMG killed it for the most part, and Eliza did a solid job... specifically in the scene where she's trying to convince Giles she's really buffy.


Also... I don't mind Adam... not because I think he's been a great villain or anything, but because he's barely in the show. He's just a baddie in the background, and when he does speak, I enjoy his philosophical musings. But if he was in it any more often, I think he'd ruin these episodes.


Faith was in a coma, she would not know how season 4 Buffy had behaved, she would be working off the data, she already had


I always like the final showdown between Faith and Buffy in this episode. Its short, but also shows that Faith has reached that point where she's become disgusted with herself with her call Buffy (who is still in Faith's body) disgusting and a murderer.

Tarot Discombe

Just watched the episode, I completely forgot this is when you learn Tara is more of a white witch than a neutral one, I love how they portray witches in this show, that you can be neutral, help yourself and others but not ask too much and then you can delve slightly into white magic and of course as we've seen in past episodes, darker. Willow a neutral witch and Tara a light witch, just an amazing idea for the show :}


This episode feels more sexual because it's following Faith instead of Buffy (primarily) and that's more natural to her character. She leans on sexuality as a crutch.


Love the different versions of Faith saying "it's wrong". She starts out completely mocking Buffy, then teases Spike. But by the end she means it.

DJ Doena

Love how Faith goes from mocking Buffy "Because it's wrong!" to truly believing in "Because it's wrong!" in this episode.

DJ Doena

Ditto. Just wrote the same thing and then seeing your comment. :-)


As far as the bathroom scene, maybe she was just happy to be out of her own body, free and clear with a new start. Or maybe on some level, she always preferred Buffy´s body or was sexually attracted to her?


Thank you! I hope you get better soon. Please get lots of rest :)


The Adam and the vampire stuff … you're like "whatever" on. You and the rest of us. FYI: Faith /Eliza Dushku did get her own spinoff show, sorta ... Dollhouse :) IMO this is one of the strongest examples of the body/consciousness swap gimmick in TV/film. Really solid acting and Sure its played for the usual laughs & awkwardness, but it is also a really relevant and meaningful examination of Faith's character, especially her deep self-loathing at the end, which you seemed to gloss over a bit - her calling herself nothing & a disgusting murderous bitch. Also, The awkwardness of Faith hooking up with Riley become less awkwardness and much more ick when you look at the deeper implications: Faith psychologically and sexually assaulting Buffy & Riley. Also Willow & Tara's big O moment. The subtext is rapidly becoming ... text. Also, also: Anyone thing Xander & Anya together with a bunch of candles just screams fire hazard?


they wanted to, it was in the works, but Elisa Dushku rejected the offer to do the show Tru Calling.

Ghost Mom

Faith spin off never happened because Eliza went to the show Tru Calling instead. Which was a decent show but was mishandled and disrespected by FOX as it typically does with good shows. episodes shown out of order or very spaced apart with little rhyme or reason. only got like 1 and a half seasons and its impossible to find nowadays. Worth checking out t pilot to see if you'd be interested in it though, if you can find it. Eliza Dushku and Zach Galifinakas as the two main characters.