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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Wilford Mott a National Treasure, if ever there were one.

DJ Doena

LOL, do you know this feeling of retroactive recognition? I have not seen this episode in years. In how many years? Probably more than five. Why? Because the guy playing Joshua Naismith is David Harewood. And David Harewood has been playing the Martian Manhunter on Supergirl for the past five years.


Wilfred would make the the best companion. I was lucky enough to see both parts of this episode back to back. Waiting for part 2 seems like it would be painful. It's interesting seeing you want Wilfred to tell the doctor about the woman when I was completely the opposite. I did not want him to tell. Great episode!


I agree with you on this episode. Not the greatest thing, has some intrigue and good stuff in it, but could be better. I do think the Master was underutilized to focus on things that we would have been happy not to have. But it is what it is. It's still an interesting episode to watch. And like others, Wilfred is awesome. He's just the best.

Melinda Barr

When was the last time he was really scared? Midnight