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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Oh shit, I totally missed you guys doing episode one. Gotta head back and watch that immediately followed by this one.


I need to find your reaction to the first episode. I watched this when it first came out and was obsessed with it. I followed the director on twitter and he'd go deep into detail what he hoped to portray through the show, which is best described imo as a psychological thriller with a hint of docuseries. What he wanted to portray was the dangers of the government willfully lying and covering up their own incompetence to save face, and the willingness of the people to die for said face. It was a bit of a commentary on the government under Trump as well. When you asked how many people died, it's not known initially because the government didn't want records so they wouldn't be responsible for care and families of the injured or dead. It's estimated 4,000 died initially from the explosion and over 800,000 have died since from cancers that not only they had but where passed down genetically.


Craig Mazin, creator & writer, did a podcast for each episode with Peter Sagal. It's really good.


Im sorry but could you talk a little bit less while reacting cuz you missed a few stuff while talking

Stephanie Bedworth

Taking iodine can help the body block absorption of radiation. The hotel that Legasov went to was in Pripyat, that's the town where the apartment complex and school were also. Pripyat was 3 kilometers away so less than 2 miles.


I wonder what you're supposed to do if you're exposed to radiation but deathly allergic to iodine? Because I'm allergic to Iodine and would be fucked in that situation.


Iodine itself is generally not considered an allergen since it occures naturally in the body, if you actually would be deathly allergic to iodine you would have died long long ago. More then likely you actually have an allergy to a substance that is used in combination with Iodine since an Iodine allergy itself actually doesn't exist.

DJ Doena

Weird, my comment appears to be lost in cyberspace. Ok, lets try again. While most of the people in the show are based on real-life counterparts, the exception is the female nuclear physicist. She's an amalgam of different scientists involved in the aftermath of the catastrophe. The guy heading the meeting with the red birthmark on his forehead is Mikhail Gorbachev, head of the Soviet state at the time (General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union). Later on he would help bring an end to the cold war in a process called Glasnost as well as giving West and East Germany permission to reunite in 1990, since technically Germany was still under supervision by the four allied powers that won WW2.


Do you know when you'll be doing 3, 4, and 5?


Fear is the answer to why they denied everything in the first episode. My lecturer told us a story once about a man he worked with during the Soviet times. This man worked in mining and was responsible for the dig of a tunnel. A miscalculation happened and the ends of the tunnel didn't meet in the middle. Said man was so scared of the consecuences, of answering to the Communist party that he shot himself.