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Before we start, those who have access to the Harry Potter reaction but have had issues watching it I have added a Vimeo link for it that is available now. Make sure you type in the password that is in the post for access to the video.


Howdy ladies and gents. So last week I posted the question of which Streaming Service worked better for you. In the end, Dropbox won out in the voting but after reading the comments and hearing everyone out what I have decided to do is that at the start of next month I will be uploading to both Dropbox and Vimeo. I will pay for both of the streaming services monthly and let you as the viewer pick which streaming service you watch on. I know for me sometimes one seems to work better than the other and I imagine its the same for at least 25% of you. So what this will do is let you pick based on how the service is performing that day for that particular video. 

You have all changed my life and I am forever grateful. I want to make the experience the best that I can and I know that for some they watch it even though at times the video has issues with the service. Episodes buffer for long periods of times or run into download issues with DropBox or videos not playing past the 1-hour mark unless you open it on the DropBox App. I know some have had no issues so this wont make a difference but I want everyone to enjoy the reaction as well as possible.

I hope that this will help out everyone and make your time watching the reaction a better one. 

Also I know that some of you have mentioned that Vimeo can be odd about Copyright but I figured we could at least try and hopefully it works out will. Maybe if they see I am paying a lot monthly and following Copyright law by it being a commentary they will leave the videos alone. If they dont well we always still have Dropbox.

As I haven mentioned in the previous post about this, Vimeo takes longer to get videos up so I will create the post and ad the links as they become available. Dropbox will always get links first with Vimeo links coming later on when they have become available to share. 

Thanks again for everything and I hope this news makes several of you who have had issues happy. 



You're gonna pay for them both? Baller move. Unrelated: Can I borrow a couple bux?

Valencia Lanier

❤️ Thats really sweet of you to offer us a choice. Thank you so much.


I’m happy with going to whichever helps out most people since my mobile phone plays both pretty well. :-)

Amanda S

Wow, that's so nice of you! Thank you so much!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.


Your'e fantastic!

Sarah D8lr

you are such a star! Thank you for all the consideration.


Thank you for adding HP to vimeo, so excited to finish it today!!

Dani C

Very glad you decided to keep Drop Box. I'd have coped with Vimeo but I don't like it.