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Yay! I’ve really been missing your POI uploads the last week or two.

Dani C

Yes! omg - there goes my plan for an early night - :)


I was about to post the same thing. Once a blue moon is just not cutting it. He could replace a lame show like supernatural to put more POI in my opinion. Great episode though! This was a nice change of pace especially with the direction the show goes. No spoilers but I love the rest of this show so much!


I’d call this a filler episode — other than Reese rejoining the team (which happens at the very end, and which was inevitable), it’s a number-of-the-week and there wasn’t much tie-in to the overarching plots. It’s just that the show has found it’s groove, so even the filler episodes are almost always rock solid 8s. Still a bit of a come-down for me after the last five episodes, but that’s to be expected given how great those were — it’s still a good episode.


Great Reaction as always. Even though it's already been so amazing. The best is still yet to come, if you can believe that!! Don't be afraid to give it high marks every episode because it truly deserve it. Reese was going to Istanbul because, why not? He didn't have a specific reason. The dialogue in this show is really up there as well. This episode was great. It ends the arc and it's aftermath of Carter, which if you remember started in ep.8!! Every episode since 8 was non-stop. Love the Finch Reese relationship so much. They make such a great team and you can really see they care about each other. I also subscribe that I would really wish you would do more POI. I understand what other people mean. You usually put in the last few weeks POI on same date as OUAT and in the past 3 weeks you started putting POI on Tuesday, then Wednesday and now Thursday. Nevertheless we only want you to enjoy this show as much as we did so if it's longer between episodes you miss the feel of it. Anyways great reaction, can't wait to see the next..and the next..and the ones after that :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this episode. It's so interesting that for a majority of it, it's set on a plane where Reese is fighting to save this computer genius known as the Sphinx, who designed a black market site, from a number of unknown assassins. I think it's absolutely brilliant, and I especially love that this is the episode where Reese realizes he needs to keeps saving people. That he needs to work. And he cares about Finch too. He trusts Finch. Reese just doesn't trust everyone's lives being in the hands of the Machine. I love that Finch comes over to Italy to meet up with Reese and then explains to Reese that he built the Machine to give them the numbers so that they can decide how to deal with them, and then reminds Reese that he deeply misses Carter too. This is a beautiful moment between these brilliant characters. While I understand Reese's reserve in trusting the Machine with the people they fight to save, I absolutely love that it's Harold who convinces Reese to come back because Reese sees just how much Finch truly cares, not just about their numbers, and even Carter, but for him as well. Absolutely phenomenal. :) As for Reese fighting against each of these unknown assassins to save Owen... I absolutely love everything about all that takes place on this plane. I love seeing Reese knock the jerk out so casually, and then seeing him fight against the assassins, all the while protecting Owen from himself. I really like Owen and his goofiness. He's a fun character to watch and I love his interactions with Reese. I also love that while Reese is taking out the final assassin inside the cockpit, Finch works to land the plane from the library in New York in order to keep it from crashing and killing Reese and all of the passengers aboard, using some kind of simulator. And lastly... I love Shaw's interactions with one of the men responsible for her former partner's death, as well as with Hersh. I just absolutely love her spunk and ferocity. Shaw's just fantastic. :) Overall... a phenomenal episode and I cannot wait for more reactions to come!!! So thank you once again! Until next time...


The machine tells Control to leave them alone, as she protects the on thing Control loves. It was a veiled threat. I think it shows the ISA/Programs priorities well. The machine gave them the number because a terrorist would take down the plane to get to Sphinx, but they were just concerned with how it would embarrass them if it got out the government was connected and completely missed that.