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Howdy ladies and gents. So I am testing out a new streaming service. I have seen some have had issues with dropbox and wanted to see if there might be a better alternative that works well for everyone. I have seen several other creators use Vimeo and wanted to see how it worked for you guys and gals. 

Please comment below if Vimeo is a huge improvement over Dropbox for you. 

Vimeo takes longer to get videos up to you all and it is a more expensive ($50 - $75 versus $20 a Month) but if it makes the experience a lot better for all of you I would make the switch and start uploading on Vimeo going forward. 

Please comment below if you have seen other creators works on Vimeo and how your experience has been. 



Ive used both to watch and I definitely prefer Dropbox, especially if it takes you longer.


The Vimeo link works fine for me, but I haven’t had any issues with Dropbox so I’m indifferent about which one you use 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly prefer Dropbox because it feels cleaner and organized. Whatever works best for you. I also realized that the passwords for Vimeo are CASE SENSITIVE so be aware on how you guys are entering the password. Hope this helps.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I've watched a number of reactions from Vimeo before and it does seem to work pretty well overall. I just hope that your reactions will still allow me to download them so that I can save them to be able to watch them again any time I wish to, if you choose to change over to Vimeo instead of sicking with Dropbox. Either way is just fine with me.

Rafael Lemus

I've always downloaded the episode straight from Dropdox, opened it on VLC, and have never had an issue. Plus, Dropdox has the 1.5x feature which I have also found useful. Switching over to Vimeo would not be a positive change for me personally.


I prefer Vimeo - I think it's a much better quality player with less buffering. Dropbox is a problem for me for longer reactions (e.g. Harry Potter) - the "preview" is only 1 hour, but when I try to download the full reaction, it loses all sound (and I tried on several different video players). The only video player that works is Dropbox's, but the free version has super limited storage, so it won't even let me play the full movie reaction. There's also a weird Dropbox buffering issue where the video will randomly pause and i have to exit full-screen mode for it to restart. Are these issues just me - or is anyone else experiencing them?


Just so you know, VLC is an open source video player commonly used among the tech savvier people due to its straight to the point aspect while being able to play nearly all types of files, and its a very small download. I'm nearly positive the videos you download would play, audio and all, with that player.


For me personally Dropbox has been flawless so far with easy and incredibly fast download. No problems at all. Vimeo on the other hand is a lot slower and not as convenient, so not bad but not great either.

Anna Mercado

Vimeo is fine, I’ve used it before but I’ve also never had problems with Dropbox. Sooo whichever works better for you is fine with me. As long as I can see the video , I’m good 😁


As a watcher on an old iphone 5SE: they all work fine for me. I follow creators who do all three (Vimeo/Google Drive/DB) and each of the creators have had their own issues with them. One made a perm switch to DB from GD. So, from a mobile phone user standpoint: I’m with whatewver works best for everyone else. :-). Good luck!


I download the videos and watch on a mobile phone, I've used both dropbox and vimeo, but I personally like dropbox because it saves the video to my phone gallery and I I like to zoom in a bit more (which I cant on vimeo) and it's just easier for me. Besides that and the fact that with vimeo I have to have the app to download and watch there is no real difference in quality for me.

Eric Paul Owens

I’m a little sad about this because Dropbox works well for me I can download it to my Plex and watch it on tv or wherever I watch my plex. I know I’m in the minority here, so I will just go sulk in the corner but it kinda screws up how I watch these,

Eric Paul Owens

The other advantage to dB is I can go download a bunch and have them ready to go , Patreon is not the easiest to navigate to shows on


I've had problems with the audio going in and out on dropbox so I'm interested in this change because I've used Vimeo before and like it. But ultimately its whatever works best for you!

Valencia Lanier

Vimeo worked fine for me on my cell phone.


Stick with Dropbox, the Vimeo functionality on android is pretty messy.

Dani C

Vimeo is a jerky playback for me and often stops to buffer

Amanda Logsdon

Vimeo works better on my phone, another channel I follow uses it, less buffering/freezing than dropbox.


Haven’t try Vimeo yet but i liked Dropbox because i could download the episode, it was easier for me

Brenda Lewis

I have other reactors that use Vimeo and I never have a problem viewing their content.


I don’t think you’re in the minority. It seems like most are either fine with Dropbox or prefer it. If it’s going to slow down releasing videos to switch to Vimeo I say stick with Dropbox for sure!


Maybe a poll would be good?

Heather Flores-Ricks

Your link works on VM, I will say I like that it let's me double tap to go back and forward 10sec. Sometimes I miss what you say and that makes rewinding easier.


I think I’m in camp Vimeo, as well. A poll would be the best way to settle this, though.


I will put myself in the camp of preferring Dropbox, I really like the option of downloading the videos


Working fine for BSG. Also - hey! BSG! I thought you'd given up on it. The previous way was also working just fine by the way. This seems to download a bit faster, but it's not a huge difference. It is nice to be able to pick the quality, but if it takes longer to get videos to us, list me among the people who would prefer dropbox.


takes longer to load in, but i don't get any buffering and the quality doesn't change by itself like on dropbox. Vimeo takes a little more CPU i noticed, so i guess i can't play mmos anymore while i watch ^^ i guess i like vimeo more, but i'm happy either way :) it's an improvement, but i feel not enough to justify the price raise. however i have never had real problems with dropbox so take my evaluation with a grain of salt.

Stephanie Bedworth

I never had any problems with Dropbox because I always just download the episodes. I see I can do that on Vimeo as well so I'm good either way.

Sarah Trow

I'm good either way I have another reactor I follow that does vimeo so I'm already familiar with it and kinda prefer it because it lets me cast

Uga Engelhart

Vimeo is definitely more comfortable. I don't mind using Dropbox if its more convenient for your, personally, but yes Vimeo is great.

Sarah D8lr

I generally prefer dropbox, since I seem to have some buffering issues with Vimeo, but I don't mind using it too much.


I'm fine either way. I use a PC so it makes no difference.

DJ Doena

I download anyway so it matter's not much to me, but the $70 to $20 comparison lets me prefer Dropbox for you. As far as I remember the only Dropbox issues were with the almost 3 hour Harry Potter file and sometime with the one-hour mark. Would't it then simply be better to cut the video before the one-hour mark at an appropriate place and simply link two video files in the post? Since you know it's a time issue and not a filesize issue, your cutting program should have no problem with that?


I’m good with either.


I prefer Vimeo. I have buffering issues with Dropbox all the time. Vimeo on the other hand it’s all right😊


Oh also, you mentioned back when I first requested the pilot that someone had already greenlit good omens, and while I wasn't the person that did so, I would still really love to see you carry on with it.

Dani C

I find Vimeo realy jerky on my PC. Lot of buffering too

Dani C

Weird - my experience is the exact opposite lol


I prefer Dropbox, Vimeo is always buffering.


Dropbox is fine for me I’ve only ever had a issue with that one Harry Potter reaction and that’s it


Dropbox is ok for me