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DJ Doena

I remembered that it happened at some point but for me episodes likes this mark the change from "Humans have no idea about the Supernatural and explain it away in whatever way they can." to "Hey let's have a fight club with dozens of different Demons and hundreds of paying Humans and no one finds this weird in any way."


I think this an underrated gem of S1. The gladiator trope is one that doesn't bug me because I haven't experienced it much. I like all the demon designs -- some are very cool. We meet a new W&H lawyer playing up the noir femme fatale trying to corrupt Angel. But the best part is Wesley and Cordy working together. They both get great moments, especially Cordelia, who is a quick thinker -- horsehair, stealing the bracelet, Det. Yelsew (Wesley backwards) and a good improv.


The Gladiator style trope was probably more popular after the film of that name became massive. But this episode was before that film came out, so you have to give it credit for being before the bandwagon of that trope started up.


Well, I see it as it was inevitable more and more humans would discover that there are in fact demons among them. In season 3 of Buffy, the entire season reveals that more and more students have been catching on to the fact there are demons, Of course, there will always be humans who do not know , rationalize it, or just in complete denial.


This episode is better than I remember it being. This is the first time I have watched the entire episode in years and I am pleasantly surprised my memory was wrong. The Prodigal and I Got you Under My Skin I still like more but it's pretty good.

Allan Cornett

For some reason this episode seems like it could be an episode of Star Trek. Good episode mainly because of the Wesley Cordelia team dynamic. A 7.

Steve Quast

I like this episode a lot. The fact that it's a trope doesn't bother me because I'm not all that much of a TV or movie buff, so I haven't seen it done anywhere else. I liked the twist at the beginning of the episode, I like meeting another lawyer from Wolfram & Hart, I really like Wesley's badass moment, I like that the whole team had to work together to overthrow the ring (Wesley and Cordelia had to figure out how to free Angel and Angel had to survive). There are better episodes to come, to be sure, but I've always enjoyed this one.

Keith Westra

I believe that Angel went back to the ring since he knew the lawyer’s offer had to come with strings attached also.


I think the inclusion of the lawyer scene demonstrates the kind of power Wolfram and Hart have since they can just buy Angel's contract. It also reminds the viewer of how they are working in the background, since we haven't really seen involvement of the firm since the auction in Parting Gifts.