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Linda Bykle

I know that sometimes we as fans want to see the shows we wanna see when we wanna see it...but I can not stress enough HOW important it is to NOT go off schedule. The order you watch the shows is SO important! 🤯😱 so please dont go off on your own...I beg you 😂🙈 *feeling kinda dramatic but it's true!*


Please Keep doing it this way please their is a watch order, we are not being overly dramatic, follow the guide......


I tend to like this episode more then most, I understand the flaws it contains, but for me the two moments in the end when Liam received his moniker from his Sister that he loved so much, before killing her which Darla and Angel were talking in the end about what Vampire Liam did to his family out of "Love" gave clearance to why Angelus was the way he was, so Angle everyday is running around trying to save the "Damsel in distress" because of what he did to his sister who he loved and promised he would return only to kill her and looking for approval from his father that will never come because he killed him too and now.....so is Det. Kate Lockley, again as Angel could not save the "Damsel in Distress" or get the Approval of the disapproving Father. And for a show to attack that theme at the time it did......I found it brilliant.......I gave it a 9, but if you see a 10 up there it might be me......


The reason that people made the guides is that in the timeline, certain episodes of one series occur before certain episodes of the other. Watching these out of order will result in one show giving heavy spoilers for the other. Most of the time it would actually be fairly safe to watch the Buffy episode before the corresponding Angel episode (Buffy 17 -Angel 17, Buffy 18 - Angel 18 etc). HOWEVER, both series can have massive cliffhangers during which alternating like this can ruin the immersion - for example, imagine having to switch to something like 'She' in Angel after 'Graduation Day, Part One' from Buffy, before being able to watch the second part... In the guide people tried to come up with something that would allow to view the cliffhanger-y episodes next to each other, while still sticking to the continuity of the timeline.

Juan Sanchez

Fair warning. I've watched this Buffyverse Angelverse universe each episode at least 500 times each. And believe me when I say this, personally to me, the next episode The Ring has always always no matter if I'm refreshed in bed watching or have the perfect snacks or even the perfect girlfriend watching with me, the next episode has always always bored the living daylights out of me. Doesn't do anything except introduce Law firm more but that's it. I'd be okay if you watch it yourself and skip it here or all together lol

Hazel Angus

Good thing he's already watched it or that would be a spoiler...

Calvin Allen

The watch guides are overrated


Without getting too spoilery... you'll see very soon why you need the watch guides. Listen man... I get you're in between a rock and a hard place here. Heres my suggestion: follow the guide until the end of ANGEL season 1. If you feel the guide is unnecessary at that point, drop it and just do it your way. But i think you'll see why it matters by then.

DJ Doena

To ease Geeked's mind he could make a poll: [ ] I watch only Buffy [ ] I watch only Angel [ ] I watch both shows I bet a majority sets the X on the last one anyway.


Fun fact: This was the first script that Tim Minear wrote for AtS, but his second, “Sense and Sensibility,” was produced first. You can see some similarities and differences. In S&S, Angel and Kate were paralleled in using their emotional armor to protect themselves, and Angel identified with Kate’s daddy issues. He also watched from the shadows when Trevor admonished Kate for embarrassing herself and him. Here, Angel identifies with Trevor, who is in over his head and willing to corrupt himself for his daughter, even though he cannot connect with her emotionally, which is what Kate really wants. And again, Angel watches from the shadows, but this time, Kate is crying over her father’s grave.


Two important statements are uttered that inform Angel’s character: 1. When Wesley is arguing with Angel about interfering with Trevor: ANGEL: “He doesn’t know. He can’t!” WESLEY: “Perhaps. Still, at the very least he must realize that he is in league with someone who if not criminal is most certainly unethical. It’s his choice!” ANGEL: “Yeah, I know all about it, Wesley, believe me. But sometimes the price we end up paying for one bad choice isn’t commensurate with the offense.” Liam didn’t know what he was getting into when he asked Darla to show him her world. That one drunk decision led to Angelus becoming one of the most vicious vampires ever, torturing and murdering thousands of people. In the Buffyverse, we usually don’t hold people responsible for their actions if they are possessed or under a spell, but Angel feels responsible for what he did as a soulless vampire, even though he was a victim. It also explains Angel’s paternalism — he knows the price of a poor choice can be devastating and possibly eternal. 2. When Angelus is gloating over proving to his father that he’s made something of himself and proven how powerful he is: DARLA: “But his defeat of you will last life times.” ANGEL: “What are you talking about? He can’t defeat me now.” DARLA: “Nor can he ever approve of you – in this world or any other. What we once were informs all that we have become. The same love will infect our hearts, even if they no longer beat. Simple death won’t change that.” Angel realized that his father loved him but couldn’t show it. Liam wasn’t evil, but he was a disappointing jerk constantly seeking to prove himself. Darla’s words were crushing but realistic. People who had difficult relationships with their parents often have the worst time dealing with their deaths because they never got to resolve their issues. Liam implied that his father was a corrupt and preachy hypocrite, and that informs a lot about how obsessed Angelus became with corrupting Catholicism and the faithful (Drusilla, “Somnambulist,” Angel’s nervousness in the church in IGYUMS), and how much Angelus hated Buffy for making him (Angel) feel love. Darla really did a number on him.

Steve Quast

Often times new reactors wonder whether the spinoff show Angel will take place in the present or in the past. While present time is naturally the default answer, there are certain episodes that take place partially in the past. I always like it when flashbacks have a strong parallel with what's happening in current time, in this case the correlation of Angel and his father with Kate and her father. Other than having a weak lead villain, everything else in this episode is pretty good. It's a solid 7 for me.


I give this episode an 8, mainly because of the character work. One dimensional Angel from Buffy is becoming more complex. His personality, or lack thereof, is no longer tied to Buffy and it's been fascinating diving into his psyche since he got his own show. Sure, some it was touched upon in episodes like Amends but here we get a more in-depth look. In Sense and Sensitivity, he tells the guy with the talking stick that he ate his family. Way back in the episode Angel in Season 1 of Buffy, he states he killed his family so yeah, it was brought up but only briefly. Again, this is another episode written by Tim Minear and it's a testament to what he does best, character arcs.

Allan Cornett

I've seen this episode 3 or 4 times and from what I remembered it would rate only a 7. After watching the reaction I give it an 8. Solid episode but Kate is one of my least favorite characters. I get it that in almost every detective show they have a police contact that helps but I never bought into the Kate Angel relationship.


I personally do not like Kate and I haven't since her first episode, so I tend to like episodes that she plays a major role in less. I still thought it was a decent episode but mainly because of the Angel flashbacks.