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The Office "Beach Games" 3x22 Reaction


Doctor Who "Forest of the Dead" 4x9 Reaction


Supernatural "No Rest for the Wicked" 3x16 Reaction


Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Beer Bad" 4x5 Reaction




Callie Stephen

In regards to Supernatural, Carry on my wayward son is used in every season finale and has become the unofficial theme song of the show. Kansas even came and performed it for the Supernatural panel at Comic-Con a couple of years ago. This episode gave us some great one liners which stay to this day within the fandom. Two most notable from Bobby are “do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?” And “Family don’t end with blood” which became a huge quote for the SPN fandom, almost our motto. Little side note too, Jensen (who plays Dean) is a terrific singer. He sings at a lot of the conventions and has even recorded some songs with singer friends of his. He was very insistent though, that just because he could sing, doesn’t mean Dean could. You should definitely check out some YouTube clips of him singing though. He is amazing! In regards to the end, if you remember Ruby told Sam that Lilith was scared of him and that if he got control of and used his powers Sam could wipe Lilith off the map. At the end of the episode, Lilith tried to take on Sam, but even with his powers dormant, he was too strong for her to take him. That’s why she looked so scared after the bright light and bailed, because she realised she couldn’t win against him.