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Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Finally some Buffy! Yey! It's been so long 🤣 Thanks for the upload buddy x

Allan Cornett

Glad you're feeling better. This is a fun episode.


I love Ethan Rayne.


So I don't know if its just me, but the last few Buffy episodes the audio has been cutting out a certain points in the video. Anyone else have this problem?


We thoughf you were a myth. Well, you were mythaken 😂🤣🤣🤣


Buffy's pun game on point. There is a newish Buffy podcast called Myth Taken. I haven't checked it out yet, but they're on S2 -- "The Dark Age," coincidentally, the first Ethan Rayne episode.


I love him, too. He's awful, but I love how he always gets away. I always forget that he straight up tells Buffy to kill Giles in this episode, but I'm still not comfortable with the military taking him to torture him. Pretty dark.

Allan Cornett

There is so much good stuff in this episode The scoobie gang remembering how much they need Giles. The comic buddy cop vibe between Spike and Giles. Willow bonding with a new friend. Buffy's instincts telling her that she is the expert demon hunter not some new agency. Hell she left the control of the watcher council so I doubt Maggie Walsh will do any better trying to be her boss. Love the Xander Anya relationship. Ethan Rayne is always a treat. I love the spiderman reference. Buffy reminds me of spiderman in many ways. This episode is a solid 8.


Actually, Halloween is the first Ethan Rayne episode. I had to double check, lol, it's been awhile since I watched season 2.


I still crack up when Buffy is about to stab Giles, she says "this is for Giles" and Giles gets all sentimental "aww really"....their relationship is so beyond brilliant!!!!!!


I'm changing my score. I am taking a certain person out of the episode and replacing him with more Spike and I am giving this a 10.


Olivia, Giles' girlfriend, was scared off after Hush. It's not clear whether she'll come back but similar to how Jenny got scared after seeing Giles' dark side in season 2.


I love this episode. Its hilarious. And Giles and Spike together - Anyone and Spike together lol - is awesome :D