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I love this episode and I agree....they should have kept him around longer. Also, different people pronounce Angelus differently. I think Spike and the Mayor pronounced it like you remember (like Los Angeles) but Giles pronounced it Angelus, emphasis on GEL, like Jeremy Renner said it. Great reaction!

Steve Quast

They changed the way they say his name throughout the series. Spike clearly calls him ANgelus, but later on they pronounce his name AnGELus.


Aww, that rooftop scene was written for Doyle and Angel. :( It reminded me of their rooftop scene at the end of "In the Dark," another episode in which one of Angel's vamp fam visits to torture him and mock him for changing. Now that Angel has his own show, his 240+ year past can literally haunt him. Angelus should be pronounced An-GEL-us, but the pronunciation was inconsistent on BtVS. Even DB himself pronounced it as ANgelus in "Enemies." To answer your questions vaguely, the show is still figuring itself out, but I don't think it's spoilery to say that it figures itself out before the end of S1. BtVS does more experimental episodes than AtS (you recently saw one, "Hush"), but AtS does them, too, as well as some great comedic and horror episodes. Because it is a show with noirish elements for an older age group (twentysomethings and older), the tone and material is different from BtVS, but AtS is very much a Whedon show. I'm trying to be as non-spoilery as possible.

Katherine Thoreson

I always thought of the pronunciation of Angelus' name was kind of like when people with different accents say the same word...like tomato, aluminum, pastel...and over time some people pronounced it with different emphasis on different syllables. Angel is, for lack of a better term, psychically connected to those he has sired. Think of it like when Buffy told him that even if she doesn't see him, she feels him. So the fact that Penn was there in the city, it was like he could feel him there, and what he was doing.


He got his name because of his "Angelic" face, so the proper way to pronounce his name/moniker would be the Latin version of "AN-GEL-us", but that would be going more with his moniker, then his name, the dialect and education of the person saying the actual name would drive it's translation Giles (being more proper and classically trained as a Watcher, would say it closer to the actual moniker), Darla would say it with affection, while others like the Mayor would "americanize" it and Spike, well Spike is a jerk (hahaha), he would mispronounce in on purpose because that is what little brothers do to big brothers.

DJ Doena

Indeed. Also keep in mind that Angel (or Liam) is from Ireland which brings its own dialect into the play (even though David was never really good at speaking with an Irish accent). I can hear it in my own voice when I say Angel I say ANgel. But when I end the sentence with "the demon with the angelic face" its more like "the anGELic face".

DJ Doena

Additional funny thing about Wesley inviting in Angel is also: he couldn't even if he wanted to. I'm not sure if it already came up in the lore or if it comes up later (it's not a spoiler it's just a lore detail) but only actual residents of a, well, residence can invite people in. Not just any human who just entered the premises. It's part of the whole mystique about the "inviting in". You can't invite someone in when you yourself are not welcome there.

Allan Cornett

Solid episode. Not great. I gave it a seven.

Ari is my Cat

Somnambulist is another word for a person who sleep walks.


I always liked this episode for introducing concepts of Angel's past into the show... but I agree it would have been great if this was a mini arc instead of one episode. You asked a lot of questions in this video that I very badly want to answer lmao but I won't. All I can say is... don't worry. You'll like where the show goes.


I think the main reason they killed Penn was for Kate's character. In one episode, she learned that vampires exist, that Angel is a vampire, and although Kate might still have some issues with Angel, she cares about him enough to kill Penn but not Angel.


There is also the concept that inviting a vampire into your home means that you are inviting evil and corruption into your life (intentionally or not).


I so want to answer those questions but 🤐

Alexis Cardarella

Angel does this a lot, at least in the few seasons. They introduce really interesting arcs, or potentially interesting complex arcs, and then limit it to an episode or two, when it could have been an ongoing plot. I think this had to do with a lot of the experimenting they were doing, and that they didn’t want to risk cancelation with a potentially unsuccessful lengthy side plot.

Ray D

Fun fact, in the movie American Hustle, Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Rohm (detective Kate) play a married couple