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Janet Daurity

The theme of season 4 is "can I have it all". Harry is Dexter's subconscious mind telling himself that having a wife and kids isn't working out too well for him. I think Deb running into Anton's arms was a sort of "me thinks he does protest to much" kind of thing. She's happy and wants to love him but still has feelings for Lundy. Its her guilt because of that that is showing. I never much cared for Angel and Laguerta either. Hang in there, this is generally considered to be the best season of Dexter (not my #1, but 99% of everybody else) so we are in the set up episodes.

Ari is my Cat

Lithgow portraying Alzheimer's in Rise of the Planet of the Apes is insane. Good insane.

Janet Daurity

He won the Golden Globe and the Emmy for his portrayal of "Trinity" in Season 4 so it must be great, right?!


3 reactions uploaded in 5 days... It feels like an age since the last BSG upload. No worries though if it's just the patreon thing and we end up getting a big batch all at once, that'd be okay. Also he's probably pretty busy re-organizing his life after leaving his job. Pretty understandable...

Janet Daurity

Well, its only been a week, here's hoping for a new episode tomorrow! :(


You only see him putting all the plastic into bags. And then you only see him put his tools into the car. You don't actually see what happens to the body specifically, just him dropping some of it.