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Nica Marie

Veronica was Dora the explorer and Logan was Diego.

Mariella Nilsson

Who wouldnt do that if your son was dying and his father didnt want to help? Not saying it is right, but who wouldnt do that to save their son? And the father got a LOT of cash for it. i liked the moral dilemma, wich I feel a Lot of this season is about, gray areas and moral dilemmas, much more subtil and not as black and white as previous seasons, and I love it!

Mariella Nilsson

If you dont want to save your sons life, probably that right there is the reason she left and didnt want her son around him!


I knew the title was a pun on "Resident Evil," but because I've never seen it, I didn't understand why. Mars Investigations.net explains it: "Resident Evil is the name of a franchise that includes the original video game and sequels, novelizations, a comic book, movies, and action figures. It's the sweet tale of a special police squad that gets sent to find out why people keep disappearing. Turns out, it's flesh-eating zombies. Of course. The title of the episode, 'President Evil,' has a couple of meanings: the first is the obvious one, that the armed robbers used masks of U.S. presidents to hide their identities, but there's also the term 'Resident,' which refers to the fact that the robbers were actually university police, who are residents (and evil!) of the university."


Good catch on Mercer dressed as Alex from "A Clockwork Orange." Veronica and Logan's costumes are a much deeper cut: The White Stripes, a supposedly sibling act who were a popular lo-fi band in the early aughts. They usually dressed in red and white, and were later revealed to be ex-spouses. It plays into the theme of everyone not being who you assume they are. I felt sorry for Weevil. Veronica really needs to stop accusing people of serious crimes on the basis of a hunch and a couple of clues that are not hard evidence. I don't like the way they're writing Veronica this season. All the things that made her survive in the first season (her jaded cynicism, her toughness, her fearlessness) were balanced by her adolescent immaturity, vulnerability, and kindness. It feels like we're getting more of the former and very little of the latter in S3. When Buffy went to college, the writers made her more vulnerable and confused, like a fish out of water. With Veronica, the writers went the opposite by making Veronica more harsh and pushing people away. I know she's been through a lot, but I'd like more of a balance.


Yeah, i agree. It is an ok episode. I believe the more episodic nature of the season, hurts this beginning of the season. It has a lot of hit and miss episodes.

Mariah Fallon

Oh man every time I watch this episode I am just infuriated by how she treats Weevil.