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Howdy ladies and gentlemen, I have been extremely sick for the past 3 to 5 days. I have been trying to record but those that I’ve seen those past few recordings can see it in my face, in my eyes, in my voice, that I have not been 100% and for that, I am truly sorry.

Went to the hospital this past Friday, Doc gave me meds to take. If you did not watch my Gilmore Girls reaction I mixed several medicines together and things did not go well for me.

I woke up with chills sweating and had to go to the hospital to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. Turns out I had pretty much the flu didn’t know that and the meds that I was taking weren’t actually doing anything.

So for the weekend, I’ve been taking what the doctor gave me and I believe I’m coming to the end of whatever this is.

Tomorrow I don’t work at my day job because I took it off and we are going to record as much as I possibly can if my body allows it.

For those that are new, I truly apologize, I usually put up a lot more videos than what you have been seeing. I mean I usually put up 4 to 6 videos a day on most days and that is not what you have been getting and I am so sorry.

I hope you all enjoy the reactions that you get this week.


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Take care of yourself. Your health matters more than you creating entertainment for us. I promise... I understand. If you're up to making reactions tomorrow... fantastic! But please don't push yourself too hard for us. You deserve to feel 100% when you're reacting. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Katherine Thoreson

Oh wow this all sounds awful. Take care of yourself first and foremost. We can wait until you're well again....which I hope happens soon for you.

Janet Daurity

I KNEW it was bad, I'm so sorry. Know that we have all been praying for you! Its good to know that you've been ini good hands. So sorry you got it, so glad I didn't! Feel better!


I’ve been in bed the last week fighting a cold so I feel you! Hope you feel better soon!

DJ Doena

Hope you feel better soon. Take all the time you'll need. We'll still be here. :-)


As everyone else said, your health is primary. Take all the time you need. I hope you feel better soon. I was sick for about a week and a half and I’m just starting to feel better so I feel your pain.

Jonathan Foreman

No need to rush, get plenty of rest and drink a lot of fluids. Get well soon man! Be safe!

Fredrik IB

Feel better, Steven! Take your time. :)


Twinings Ginger and Lemon tea with a spoon full of honey. My mum is nearly 68 and has had it for about a week, but when she's had that it soothes her symptoms for a few hours. Then I suggest you go to bed and record when you feel better instead of prolonging the illness. Health comes first!


You know that you get the flu from going outside after lying to your mother......or that was what I was told as a child and there is no way that my parents would have threatened I behave better with lies..............wait a minute.......then how does the flu shot thing work? Never mind, that is like how the cure to cooties works.....we're good here, feel better or not, I am not here to tell you what to do.


Nah, just rest up and come back refreshed. We'll wait.


Hope you feel better soon. Don’t push yourself....your body needs rest. We’ll still be here when you get back!

Mariella Nilsson

Relax, watch your favourite shows, and eat italian garlic soup, and recordwhen you are well!

Linda McDonough Garcia

I hope you feel better. I know what you’re going through as I have the flu too. I started feeling sick Thursday night & took off work on Friday. Friday & Saturday were the worst days. I’m just now starting to feel better but I still took off work to get another’s day rest. Don’t push yourself to feel better too soon we’ll be here.

Dani C

Yikes that all sounds very unpleasant. You certainly did not look well on your POI reaction and I did wonder when you didn't post for a few days whether you'd been laid low with flu or some such. Feel better soon m'dear, and don't stress over reactions - we can wait :)