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Thank you!! Great Reaction


First, Peter Collier, the leader of the organisation you now know as Vigilance, was properly introduced for the first time in episode 2 where (as you find out at the end of the episode) people (agents) from all over the country sent packages for people to avenge against the data broker Wayne Kruger, for the terrible things that happened to them because their privacy was stripped. And as Harold said at the end of that episode, the goal is to set an ideology in motion about privacy and how the government is taking it from their people. Now the group has proven to be big even in episode 2 (hence sending packages from all over the country). And in this episode the goal was to kill a person who might expose them and their methods (remember they are big on privacy). However if you look at the beginning of the episode, you will see just how big the group is (from when they took the vote). So it is a great development from the last case we had involving Vigilance.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I enjoy this episode a lot. Like you, I love that the two storylines between Reese and Finch, and Shaw and Root connected. I love that the Machine appears to have ulterior motives that we just don't know, or can possibly predict. I also really like seeing Collier brought back into the show for this episode, and that we learn his group's name is Vigilance and what they stand for. I love that they are such firm believers in the original Constitution, even they they twist the laws for their own twisted agendas. People who believe in causes like this and who believe they're doing God's work... are dangerous. And they're fighting their own American Revolution. Yikes! As for the people our heroes and Root fight to protect... I really like the two foster brothers and how one of them is needed in the fight to come that the Machine asked Root to save him for. Very interesting indeed. And now... Root is once again a prisoner, but locked up in a cage and with an anklet inside the library where Reese, Finch, Bear, and Shaw can keep their eyes on her. And lastly... I am continuing to enjoy Carter's storyline in dealing with H.R.'s rookie they planted as her partner. I also love that he finally appears to understand that H.R. is more dangerous and evil than he knew, and that he appears to possibly want to do what's right after the death of his friend, with his first good stop upon revealing his real name and ties to the Russians whom H.R. are working with. Very good. :) Overall... a really good episode and I can't wait for your next reaction for Person of Interest!!! Thank you so much once more! Until next time...

Felix Huang

I have to say, I love Root. And now with Root in the same library with team machine, we surely will get even more Root.