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Alexis Cardarella

I’ve said this before but it bares repeating. It doesn’t matter whether Parker was known for sleeping around. That wouldn’t have been a factor for Veronica to consider whether someone is getting raped.

Alexis Cardarella

1) No, Dick was part of the haunted house incident, that’s how he got his bruises. 2) I believe the fraternity was getting out of their hearing that cleared them, so it would make sense that they were waiting. I think that clerk was probably the best thing to happen to this season so far. “everybody’s happaaaay.” I quote this out of context occasionally lol. This is definitely the best episode of the season so far! I had the same issues that you’ve had so far with the season. Really glad you enjoyed this one!


I kinda agree with you. This was the best episode of the season so far. This season is a bit all over the place for me to tell you the truth. I also don't understand AT ALL the beef that Parker has with Veronica. Regardless of whether Veronica knew that Parker slept around often, when you enter a room that is not yours, and the lights are out and you hear a bunch of sex noises, you will not turn the lights on and check to see whats going on. You will leave quietly. Anyway, solid episode.

Mariella Nilsson

Good episode! The season is getting better and better from now on! in this season Maby we dont get the same epic cases from previous seasons, but we get to se way more of the personal stuff and relashionships, wich I really really like! Logans stuff and veronicas personality and Keiths stuff. More emotional and bringing out the problems in the relashionships. i love it!

Mariella Nilsson

Maby Parker has guilt and blame her self, like many victimes do, for the rape, and is thinking in the back of her mind that Maby she was to slutty and thats why it happened. And Maby she is projecting all that on Veronica, wich makes her super defensive?

Nica Marie

I'm guessing you never watched "Just Shoot Me". The wife who hired Keith was on JSM with Enrico.


kind of an underrated show in my opinion, I really enjoyed that and News-radio at the time........


I would say with Veronica thinking Parker was just sleeping around more, it wasn't that it isn't somewhat understandable that Veronica might think that. I see it more as that Parker, rightfully, was upset and angry and Veronica was a very visible and understandable target. I also don't think you can really blame Parker for that just take the punches in those moments.


i'm sorry i am just watching this now and it bothers me that you misinterpret this in such a negative way like Steven is saying something wrong . The context isn't she was sleeping around a lot so she deserves it, the context is she was having sex every night so hearing sex noises from her room isn't unusual and people should not blame Veronica for hearing sex noises and leaving it alone.