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Can't wait for the last two episodes of the season! I hope you do them soon!


Also, dont skip the opening credits for the next episodes.

Dani C

I think they squeezed the timeline for dramatic purposes here - Litvinyenko (sp.) took I think 29 days or something like that to die from Polonium poisoning , ingested in a cup of tea. Much like the Doctor in this episode he spent what time he had assisting the police in identifying his killers;though he did that from his hospital bed: an experienced detective himself, he spent several days, for hours and hours giving a statement - giving them as much as he could to help them find the assassins - and they were, based on his statement and their subsequent investigation, able to name the two Russian operatives who almost certainly poisoned him.

Felix Huang

Somewhat ironic, you wanted a perpetrator number and you got it with a plot twist.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Hello! Thank you so much for another great reaction for Person of Interest. I enjoy this episode a lot. Although, I don't consider it to be one of my favorites from this season. First of all... it's so sad that Cal Beecher is killed at the end of the last episode. After all of Carter's worries and time thinking that he was corrupt like all of the other cops and detectives involved with HR, it turns out that he was a good man, and was killed for getting too close as he worked to investigate Detective Szymanski's frame up and murder, which was also another tragic death too. And I felt so bad for Carter, because she cares so much for Beecher, and guilty because she didn't trust him until it was too late. But I love Carter's determination throughout this episode to begin her investigation into Beecher's murder. I also love Fusco's role throughout this episode. After he has been very protective of Carter, this time it was Carter's turn to protect him from HR as they finally try to take Fusco down. And I love that Carter even goes so far as to dig up and steal Stills' body where Fusco had buried it in Oyster Bay way back in the Pilot episode after Reese had killed him. Overall... this was a really good episode, so thank you again! Like always... I can't wait for more reactions to come! Until then... As for the main storyline involving Reese helping Dr. Nelson to solve his own murder before he dies from being poisoned with radiation... I enjoy it a lot. It's very sad. And I love Reese's determination to help him. Not only to solve who had him killed, but also to help put his affairs in order before he dies. And then... the biggest shock to me in this episode aside from Beecher being killed, is seeing Reese standing beside Nelson's killer with a wine bottle in his hands once blood begins to drip from the killer's nose, revealing that Reese had slipped the same poison into the killer's drink, showing him basically murder the man. It is wrong of Reese to do, but at the same time... this ending was oh so satisfying, knowing the killer is going to suffer the same fate as the man he killed first.