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Elisa Ingo

You doing Supernatural tonight??

Amy Rustand

This one confused me as well. I'm wondering if that poster of young Charlie was (to Dean) an obvious antique - like was the style from ages ago? And since he recognized the scar and that it was Charlie, it clinched it for him that Charlie had to be the one doing black magic if the poster was so old that in real life Charlie couldn't possibly be still alive by any natural means. And then I guess Charlie just decided to 'reveal' himself and his magic to his friends because they were on to him now. And then he tried to get his friends to join him and take out Sam and Dean in the process. I think I'll not bother with showing this one to my husband. Too confusing, and not much going on to further the major arc of the season. Great point about the noose, BTW, I didn't catch that inconsistency but you are spot on about it.