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Yay! Finally! Can't wait to watch this!


This show is very accurate when it comes to the science. They don't ignore gravity & show how it can work for you or against you, which I had never seen a sci-fi show do before. The first season is a lot of world building and getting to know the characters which I like and it just gets better every season. All of your questions will be answered eventually and then you will have more questions later on lol. To clear up some things you asked without giving away spoilers - "XO" basically means second in command. The guy from Breaking Bad who played the XO went "crazy" because he was missing Earth. We saw him stepping on dirt from the plants he had in his room and he had a lot of drawings of plants on his walls. Being in space made him lose it! This show does not skimp on the details. I like that you enjoyed the theme song its awesome and so is the special effects! Can't wait for the next reaction!

Mark Wood

The Expanse really tries to present a realistic look at future space travel and living in low G. Casting can’t provide enough actors of appropriate body type and they don’t have anywhere near the budget to show what you would need for full maneuvers at high speeds or sudden course corrections and sudden breaking maneuvers. But they do try.

Mark Wood

Because the Captain thought they were being attacked by pirates who would be interested in the cargo (ice) or even the ship, he never would have guessed he was targeted by nukes. And based on what we were told in episodes Pirates would not have stealth technology to hide their ship. Earth, Mars and the Belt are not at war, but tensions are very high.

Mark Wood

Syfy network has on occasion aired premium content (Battlestar Galactica is the other example). Eventually Syfy could no longer afford it, and the producers of the show sold it to Amazon.

Paul Fisher

This is a great series. If you like the show, you'll probably find the books even better. The series of novels are written by "James S.A. Corey," which is a pen name for Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, who also served as producers on the TV series. New episodes are scheduled to air on Amazon Video on Dec. 13.


Again thanks for your reaction, glad you enjoyed it and can't wait for the next one now. Most I already talked about when you streamed it and a lot was already mentioned so I won't add much more here. What I will say though is that some consider the first episodes to be somewhat "slow" compared to other TV Shows, which is something I personally like. They really take their time introducing the characters and the world, they stick with the source material (for the most part) and while that makes for an introduction that can be considered "slow" in TV, it makes everything that comes later so much more rewarding and intersting to watch.


best show active show runnin right no! thru 3 seasons the show just keeps climbing to higher and higher heightsabsolutly brilliant writing. . help that the book writers are in the room during production


these first 3 episodes are really gr\eat world building episodes. . . if you pay attention to it all you'll see callbacks to this world building all the way thru season3. . incredible continuity from start to finsh


yes the first 3 seasons were on syfy. . but amazon has now picked up the show for season 4


the belters kinda have thier own language. . usually called belter creole


As others have said, even for those that rate the first half of season one in the 5 to 6 range, the further along it goes they end up rating episodes 8+, it only gets better. No one thought those missiles were nukes, they thought it would damage the ship but not completely destroy them because... why in the heck would someone want to fully destroy them?! The belters are people living on/near the asteroid belt, where most resources come from. Very little military force there so they are kind of the bottom of the food chain. GoT in space. Seriously, just like in GoT, the political stuff is great and yet at the same time, theres an outside thing (White Walkers, and in this show whatever the heck was killing that guy in the first scene) that matters more yet people don't know about and ignore while focusing on the politics.


This has got to be the best sci-fi show ever. at least the most realistic you can imagine the situations and scenarios playing out for real. perhaps thats what some people dont like about it like politics are pretty boring but i find fantasy politics tolerable in some cases. firefly was another good example of realistic sci-fi, though i have a friend who supposedly loves sci-fi who got through all of season 1 and didnt really enjoy it and didnt want to continue... he didnt like how the story jumps around between locations. he listens to a lot of books on tape though which focus on a central character i think thats just what hes grown accustomed to so any story thats being told from multiple vantage points is boring.