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These Are Tomorrows Scheduled Recordings. Should I Do Them Live? 

  • The OC
  • Once
  • Mars 
  • Prison 

Dexter Cant Be Live So I Will Record Off Stream.

Below are the times when I'm free to record.

Which Time Works Better For You? 

Morning - 10AM EST to 2PM EST 


Evening - 8PM EST to 12PM EST

Vote Below Morning or Evening 



By prison do you mean prison break? I will be there for that

Ceara Abrahamsz

I will SO be there for OUAT! I’m a mod for you so I’ll also be able to watch out for spoilers for OUAT (best I can at least,lol) I go by Undisclosed96 on Twitch,😄 Do hope it’s in the evening, though, if you do morning it would be 7am for us on the west coast,😳😬🙅🏼‍♀️

DJ Doena

Can't either. 10 AM is 4 PM and 8 PM is 2 AM in a work week. But you others have fun! :-)


I would if I could but I have to work both jobs tomorrow