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Adam is Magic

One thing I love about this show is how quick the plotlines move on this show in (mostly) logical ways. And that the show takes time develop the characters and the mythology. P.S. Can you do more PLL? The show gets much better after the pilot and you should treat the show as part scandalous soapy teen drama and part mystery/thriller to be able to get through the show. And the characters both do questionable things because their flawed and because it's a scandalous show. Plus it's not the first time a show has had main characters do questionable things like in Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc.

Daniel R

Next episode is when the show starts getting really good which is good since you're already enjoying it :)


To a quote later in the show, "It's Mystic Falls, nothing bad ever happens here." That is the town mentality and explains Vicki's actions. Damon compelled Caroline to forget what she'd done, so she was probably confused, which was what was wrong with her. This show has no issue with killing off characters, including major characters. The show turns it up another notch in the next episode. It took Elena just over 3 weeks to work out that Stefan was a vampire. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one.

Scarlett Monrow

The elderly gentleman remembered the incident that happened 56 years ago. So if he stayed in the boarding house when he was a teen, then in the present time he would be in late sixties, early seventies, but not eighty years old. One thing that always bothered me with TVD is that teenagers there act like grown up. Sex, drinking, staying out all night. In real life, Damon hitting on Caroline would have resulted in his arrest. And Elena is acting too experienced for her age.

Adam is Magic

You mean supernatural/fantasy show has unrealistic moments for its characters?! Shocker. (Sarcasm) I mean think once a show goes complete unrealistic territory of fantasy they’re not trying to be realistic anymore.


I’m so stoked you started this and I hope it gets continued and maybe you will start the spinoffs when they start in the shows order but by the time you get there or just before you will prob finish Buffy and maybe angel or close to finishing so it would work out !! This show and supernatural are my two all time fave shows !! And loving that your really enjoying it. People won’t start cuz they think it’s kind of like twilight but it’s nothing like it. The actors are actually good at portraying what a character would be like if they were a vampire. It feels more realistic well as much as realistic can be with a show about vampires but if they were real this is what I think they would be like and I would like to be like !!

Therese Larsen

Ahhh this is when the show REALLY gets good. Can’t wait for the next episodes! I hope you don’t get spoiled. People on youtube especially are terrible at spoiling, so watch out for those..


Yessss can’t wait for more. Hope it’s soon I’m always checking if he’s posted episode 6 lol 😆

Daniel R

probably in another couple days he tends to post these every 10 days on average it seems


The link doesn't work for me anyone knows why?

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I was really bummed about Zach's death too. It's really the end of the Salvatore line. I don't know why even though Damon does all these horrible things I'm just forgiving him the next minute though lol. Vicki is really starting to get on my nerves and Jeremy isn't making her character arc any better so if she dies here I'm actually fine with it.