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DJ Doena

Funny real world annecdote to this episode: The actress playing The Dcotor's daughter is Georgia Moffett. She is the daughter of the actor Peter Davison who played the Fifth Doctor. By now she's also married to David Tennant himself. So in a sense, she's truly The Doctor's daughter and also his wife. That has Greek Pantheon written all over it. ;-)


So I totally agree, there are moments in this episode that I really love. I love hearing about the doctor’s family. I love Donna figuring out the numbers. I love the doctor’s response to Jenny’s death. Unfortunately this episode didn’t quite stick the landing for me as a whole. It’s one of two episodes of which I’m not terribly fond. I don’t hate it though and I enjoyed watching your reaction to it!


Wonderful information that I will add one more caveat too.....the 5th Doctor is the 10th Doctor (the one you are watching right now) favorite Doctor and now they have 5 children.....so the 10th Doctor has 5 children and the 5th doctor has at least 5 grandchildren......he may have more, my excitement at this ended here......hahahhaa


I totally get why people would downgrade this and I have not watched this reactors view of it, but this episode gives so much backstory and depth to this the 10th Doctor that I am somewhat blinded by it's fault (it also has King Arthur in it....so I am doomed). I adore this episode, but I get the dislike it was not perfect and it can be picked apart, I just love Donna and Martha, Georgia is brilliant as Jenny and 10 owns the stage......so I get it I am blinded by it's potential and not what was on screen.......I still enjoy it immensely........


Look at the color of the energy that emits from Jenny......it is the same as the source.

Dani C

This episode is a real mixed bag for me. On the one hand I think the narrative flow is very off - we didn't spend enough time with Jenny to fully establish the emotional stakes - probably would have made a better 2 parter perhaps? and felt a little cheap (The Doctor's Daughter - totally trolled the viewers :P ) = and the scene when Martha tells him there is no sign of her having survived or potential for her to regenerate made no sense at all: she didn't even go and examine her, she was basing her assertion on what exactly? It felt tacked on and completely out of character for Martha to make such an assertion based on no evidence. ....On the other hand it has some of my favourite 10th Doctor scenes of all time: Tenant's acting when he talks about the time war and timelords was fabulous, and also when Jenny is shot - the look on his face is so raw. The dialogue between him and Donna when he talks about having been a father and all that he lost is wonderful.

Melinda Barr

I think the show runners may have bailed at the last minute on having a sad ending and did not think it through

Melinda Barr

It cracks me up every time he says in the commentary that Martha should just stay put and the Doctor would just come and save her. He hasn't been paying attention and taking a tally on how many times The Doctor has saved Martha vs Martha having to save the Doctor and herself. :-)

Sharon Owen

Jenny's not a real timelord like he said - she's just an echo.

Sharon Owen

FYI - she actually is the 5th Doctor's daughter in real life and then she married David Tenant and had babies! So she's the Doctor's Daughter and the Doctor's Wife haha!

Sharon Owen

Another thing to add - Jenny was in her first 24 hours of life, so if they followed timelord rules she can repair without changing - like the 10th Doctor's hand in the Christmas Invasion


Also his granddaughter was the first companion and according to books she still may be alive.