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Daniel R

I laugh every time you mention how "quickly" Elena and Stefan got together when on the flipside I can see you rolling your eyes if they spent the entire season on them flirting with the idea of "will they or won't they". Just be glad this show moves fast lol and in exciting ways too

Daniel R

As for your question on why the council doesn't immediately jump to the conclusion of Damon and Stefan being Vampires is because as of this point they believed Vampires cannot walk in sunlight. Damon and Stefan have magic rings remember? Something a lot of people don't know about.

Therese Larsen

Yeah, Caroline’s mind is kind of messed up now. Damon is compelling her to forget many things, to do things, and probably make her feel in certain ways - to not be scared, not cry, be comfortable... All that combined makes her really weird and confused, her head is really screwed up right now.


Compulsion can be a range of things - they can wipe your memory, or make you do or think things, not feel fear, or generally just be compliant. So Damon basically made Caroline do what he says and keep his secret, but he lets her be aware of what he's doing and have some (very limited) degree of free will so she's not a total robot. She definitely is brainwashed and not free to leave him/tell people. You're dealing with controlling human will, so sometimes it's not perfectly clean.


Zach isn't their uncle, he's their nephew or some kind of descendant - he called Stefan "Uncle Stefan" in an earlier episode. They just call him their uncle because he looks older than them because he's human and ages normally.


Pretty much every question you ask will be answered in a future episode. Instead of using cliffhangers, they tend to leave you wanting to know more. Every episode they are gradually introducing you to the mythology and reinforcing it with actions. Damon even explained how a vampire turns. He also vaguely explains Damon and Stefan's backstory. Regarding flashbacks, yes there will be some in future episodes. This episode focus was on vervain and how it can harm vampires. I hope you continue with the show as it is about to pick up. Some of the relationships are annoying but are relevant plot-wise. Damon only eliminated the vervain from Mystic Falls. In real life it is fairly common, Stefan could have ordered it off Amazon, but not in 1864. Pretty much everyone else has clarified the Caroline situation. I think Elena's reaction is not just about Katherine. Her parents died and she told Stefan how. She knows his parents died, but he hasn't even mentioned them. All she knows about him is he goes to school with her, he's good at football, he's a loner, he has a brother who he doesn't get along with because they both dated the same girl and that his ex-girlfriend is dead. She doesn't even know what his favourite film is., and he's not opening up. You can't have a relationship when only one person is discussed. Even after 2 weeks it becomes clear. The Katherine thing is her focus because it is all she knows about him and it appears to be a big secret and not a pleasant story. Zach believes Stefan is the good guy because he feeds on animal blood. Stefan feels pain more than Damon because of his diet. I hope you continue watching as I love your reactions.

Scarlett Monrow

50:05 - why Zach wouldn't tell Stefan? Remember he said that "blood only runs so deep when you're related to vampire" and that the task to grow vervain is passed through generations. Founding families fought vampires 150 years ago and as you as in the last scene, they continue to do it now, and Zach is one of the founding families. The only reason he didn't tell everyone about Damon and Stafan is because they are related, and he is willing to keep quiet for Stefan's sake. But revealing the town's powerful weapon - vervain - he wasn't ready for that, until problem with Damon arose. Basically, Zach will only go that far for Stefan.


I hope you will get through season 1 and 2, and after you can make a real decision about the show but just don't miss season 2. I think you need to forget like everything you learn about vampire on other TV shows, movies or books because they have their on explanation about it and they have other rules. Damon to me will grow to have the kind of same humor as Dean have.

Other Boy Reactions

I’ve found that this show is very different from Buffy. At times just as dark and other times darker. Like the abuse of Caroline.