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DJ Doena

Now that you've met Jeffster, you NEED to watch this Comic-Con video from 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I392IH9r58

DJ Doena

BTW: You seemed to have missed the joke when they first announced their name, since you only realized it at the Buy More "concert". When Jeff first announced their names he said that they thought about going with Jester but they didn't want to come off as a couple of fools... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jester


The emotions in this episode were so good from the actors. Also i think on the end you misinterpreted the last scene, it shows they realize they both care/love each other and that they consider their thing to be more then just a fake relationship.


Could be that or could be that Chuck has accepted what they are and Sarah has realized how much she loves Chuck.


Solid episode. Had some really cool stuff and some ok stuff. But youre right, the best things of this episode was the fight scene with Sara in the car and Sara's reaction when she thought that Chuck exploded. Yvonne knocked that scene out of the park. This scene and also that scream (i believe from the first episode of the second season) when she thought that Chuck fell to his death, were amazing expressions of how much Sara cares for Chuck. Strahovski is great in everything she does... Oh and also Jeffster happened in this episode, so that's a plus always!!


Oh and yes... Yvonne did a really intensive training for this show. Also she is the most athletic one of the lot...